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  1. Reply Yes or No to the question Is there an associated medical condition?

    EUDAMED is there an associated medical condition field
  2. If you reply Yes, the question Is the medical condition considered to be rare? will appear for you to reply.

  3. For MDR - Select the therapeutic area by clicking + Therapeutic area.

    EUDAMED therapeutic area field and button
  4. A new section will appear for you to choose the medical and therapeutic areas.

    EUDAMED medical area and therapeutic area fields in the therapeutic area section
  5. The medical area you choose will determine the options you will have under the therapeutic drop-down list.

  6. You can add more therapeutic areas by clicking Add.

    EUDAMED add button in the therapeutic area section


    In case of Performance Studies (IVDR) the section Diagnostic area will show instead of Therapeutic area.

    A new field will appear to select the Diagnostic area.

    EUDAMED diagnostic area link with add button

    The Diagnostic area codes are the EMDN nomenclature codes for IVD devices. The values are restricted to the EMDN codes starting with “W” (In vitro diagnostic medical devices) at level 3 or 4 of the nomenclature structure. See the European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) for more information.

    EUDAMED diagnostic area (emdn code) and diagnostic area description fields

    To complete the field and retrieve the description, enter “W” and at least the first 4 digits of the nomenclature code.

    EUDAMED diagnostic area (emdn code) field

    The system will display the relevant options to select from.

    You can add several Diagnostic area codes by clicking Add.

  7. Provide the sex of the subjects.

    EUDAMED sex of subjects field
  8. Indicate the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

  9. Choose the type of subjects.

    EUDAMED type of subjects field with check all and uncheck all options
  10. Choose the age range.

    EUDAMED age range field