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SS(C)P Management

  1. Click Manage SS(C)P under UDI-DIs/Device:

    EUDAMED manage ss(c)p link on the dashboard
    EUDAMED manage ss(c)p link in the udi-dis/device section on the dashboard

    The following page will display:

    EUDAMED summary safety and (clinical) performance (ss(c)p) management page
  2. You are presented with a list of all the SS(C)Ps to which you have access. Use the Filter button to find the required SS(C)P:

    EUDAMED search criteria and filter, apply filters and clear all filters buttons
  3. You can search by different values.

    You can enter a Basic UDI-DI code, the Manufacturer’s Actor ID/SRN, SS(C)P Reference/Revision number, Certificate ID (whether it was validated or not, and whether an English translation version exists or not).

    When you are done, click Apply filters to refresh your list.

    Click on the SS(C)P in the list you would like to manage:

    EUDAMED list with all ss(c)ps given your search criteria
  4. A summary of SCCP-related information displays:

    EUDAMED sscp related information and actions button
  5. Clicking on the Basic UDI-DI codes will open the Basic UDI-DI in a new tab. Next to this code is the certificate data that is linked to the Basic UDI-DI.

Create new SS(C)P version

Adding translations

Inactivate an SS(C)P