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Discard a refused certificate

To discard a refused certificate follow the steps listed below.

  1. Click the Manage your refused certificates/applications link on the dashboard:

    EUDAMED manage your refused certificates/applications link on the dashboard
  2. By default the system will display your certificates in Draft state. Use the Filter button to search for registered certificates. Then click Apply filters:

    EUDAMED refused certificates applications management page with registered state selected
  3. Select the refused certificate from the list and click the View link under the three dots:

    EUDAMED refused certificates results list
  4. Click the Discard button:

    EUDAMED discard button in the refused certificate data page
  5. A confirmation window will pop-up. Click the Confirm button to discard the refused certificate:

    EUDAMED confirmation window for discarding a refused certificate


    When a refused certificate associated with a CECP record is discarded, the status of that CECP will revert to its preceding status:

    EUDAMED cecp status in cecp information page

When the refused certificate is discarded, a red banner will appear at the top of the Refused certificate data page:

EUDAMED the refused certificate has been discarded message in red banner at the top of the refused certificate data page