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Create new SS(C)P version

To create a new SS(C)P version, please follow the steps in SS(C)P Management (steps 1-4) and then continue with the steps below:

  1. Click Create new version under the Actions button:

    EUDAMED set status to inactive and create new version links under the actions button in the sscp data section

    Click on the Remove this device link to remove a device:

    EUDAMED remove this device link in the sscp identification section


    If there is only one device linked to the selected SS(C)P, you will not be able to remove that device:

    EUDAMED informational system message and add a new to device to this sscp link

    A pop-up window displays; click Confirm to remove the device:

    EUDAMED confirmation window to remove a basic udi-di with confirm and cancel buttons

    Click on the Add a new device to this SS(C)P link to associate a new device to the selected SS(C)P:

    EUDAMED add a new device to this sscp link in the sscp identification section

    A new field is displayed. Enter the Basic UDI-DI code and click Check registry:

    EUDAMED enter basic udi-di code field, check registry button and remove this device link

    In the pop-up window, select the Basic UDI-DI from the list:

    EUDAMED list with available basic udi-dis, pagination and previous, next and cancel buttons


    If you have referenced a Basic UDI-DI in Submitted state, then upon submitting your SS(C)P, you will be asked to confirm the accuracy of the device data registered for the referenced Basic UDI-DI:


    After the SS(C)P is submitted, the state of the Basic UDI-DI will be updated to Registered. The Basic UDI-DI(s) and their related UDI-DI(s) will then become visible on the EUDAMED public site.

  2. Provide the SS(C)P revision number, Date issued, and then upload the SS(C)P master document for the new version:

    EUDAMED sscp revision number and date issued fields and browse, submit and cancel buttons
  3. After the document is uploaded, the Is this SS(C)P validated? field appears. Select Yes or No and click Submit:

    EUDAMED link to the uploaded file, is this sscp validated field and submit and cancel buttons
  4. In the pop-up window, click Confirm to submit your registration:

    EUDAMED confirmation window when submitting a new sscp version with confirm and cancel buttons


The new SS(C)P version will be automatically linked to the last active version of the certificates it is linked to.