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Discard a corrective action

Identify the corrective action you intend to discard using the Procedure Management page filter.

  1. Select Corrective Action as the item types and Registered as the state. Click Apply filters:

    EUDAMED fields as search criteria in the procedure management page
  2. Select the record you want to discard:

    EUDAMED list with the procedures given the selected criteria
  3. The procedure is displayed. Scroll down to the Corrective Action section, select the target record, click Discard:

    EUDAMED discard button in the corrective action section
  4. The confirmation message displays. Click Discard to confirm the action:

    EUDAMED confirmation message and discard and cancel buttons

CAs, EC and NBs (if referred to in the procedure) are notified of discarded corrective actions. The record will be viewable in the Search & View page.