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Manage a procedure

From the dashboard, select Manage an MSU procedure:

EUDAMED manage an msu procedure link on the dashboard

The dashboard lists all procedures, measures and corrective actions:

  • They display by default in draft status, and only the user CA drafts are displayed.

  • They are grouped by procedure reference with their items (i.e. corrective actions, measures and/or objections).

  • The deadline for objection value appears only for UNR procedures and for measures linked to this procedure as soon as the measure is submitted.

  1. Click the Filter button to arrive at the detailed filter screen:

    EUDAMED list with procedures in the procedure management page

    If a Procedure item was initiated by the Commission, its Actor code is displayed in the results and within the record:

    EUDAMED ca code column in the list of the procedures
    EUDAMED measures by initiating ca and objections tab
  2. Select the intended record. Section information is contained within each accordion. Click EUDAMED arrow icon to open:

    EUDAMED procedure information section


A procedure is discarded automatically once the last corrective action or measure is discarded, i.e. there are no open items connected to the procedure.

Using the filter

Create new version of a procedure

Create a version of a corrective action

Discard a corrective action