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Register a refused application

Select Application refusal (by NB), then the steps are the same as when registering a withdrawn application, until you are asked to provide the reason:

EUDAMED application refusal by nb link
  1. From the list provided, select the reason for refusal. If you choose Other, provide the explanation in the Other reason text box:

    EUDAMED reason for refusal and other reason field
  2. Provide the reason for the refusal in the language(s) previously selected and upload the refusal document if applicable.

    Click Preview to see and/or edit your entries, or click Submit:

    EUDAMED reason for refusal/withdrawal comment and upload refusal document fields and save, preview, submit and cancel buttons
  3. Scroll through the preview screen. Click the step 'x' link to return to that section:

    EUDAMED details in the preview full registration for submission screen
    EUDAMED go back to step 1, 2 and 3 links
  4. Click Submit my request:

    EUDAMED warning pop-up window with submit my request and cancel buttons
  5. The request is submitted, and the Confirmation message displays:

    EUDAMED confirmation message when submitting a registration of a withdrawal/refused application form conformity assessment