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Generate your security key


The security key is specific for each EUDAMED module, and the combination of this key and the SRN of the sender is used as security to ensure that the message is received from the correct actor. Without this key, your message will not pass our security checks. An incorrect key will give the following error response:

EUDAMED error response when using an incorrect security key
  1. Log into EUDAMED as a Local Actor Administrator (LAA). Click on the Access point management link under the My Actor data section to view your APs:

    EUDAMED access point management link in the dashboard
  2. In the Access Point management page, you can view all your APs listed in the table:

    EUDAMED list of all access points in the access point management page
  3. Click on the Edit link under the three dots to view your AP’s settings:

    EUDAMED edit link under the three dots in the access point management page
  4. In the displayed screen you can view and edit the details you entered regarding the selected AP. Moreover, you can now change the services attached to your AP and manage your security keys by clicking on the Manage security keys link:

    EUDAMED manage security keys link and list of services per module when generating your security key
  5. In the pop-up window click on the Generate a security key button to generate the security key for the selected module:

    EUDAMED manage security keys pop-up window and generate a security key button


    The security keys are generated per module.

  6. In the pop-up window you will be able to view the generated security key:

    EUDAMED security key and warning message in the manage security keys pop-up window


    Please copy the security key. You will not be able to view your security key after closing the pop-up window. If you lose your security key, you must regenerate it (see Regenerate your security key page for further details).


Go to How to configure your AP to proceed with the onboarding.