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Regenerate your security key

  1. Log into EUDAMED as a Local Actor Administrator (LAA). Click on the Access point management link under the My Actor data section to view your APs:

    EUDAMED access point management link in the dashboard
  2. In the Access Point management page, you can view all your APs listed in the table:

    EUDAMED list of all access points in the access point management page
  3. Click on the Edit link under the three dots to view your AP’s settings:

    EUDAMED edit link under the three dots in the access point management page
  4. In the displayed screen click on the Manage security keys link:

    EUDAMED manage security keys link and services per module when regenerating your security ke
  5. In the pop-up window click on the Regenerate a security key button to regenerate the security key for the selected module:

    EUDAMED regenerate a security key button in the manage security keys pop-up window
  6. In the pop-up window you will be able to view the regenerated security key:

    EUDAMED the regenerated security key in the manage security keys pop-up window


    Please copy the regenerated security key. You will not be able to view your security key after closing the pop-up window. If you lose your security key, you must regenerate it.


When a security key is regenerated, all new XML files must include the new security key for that module, otherwise they will be rejected.