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Consulting registered actors

To search and consult actors

  1. Click on the Actors block in the dashboard or select Search & view > Actors.

    The Actor Search & view page appears:

    EUDAMED actor search and view page
  2. Enter your search criteria on the Search & view page, and then click Search. The actors matching your search criteria will be listed in the search section:

    EUDAMED search results for actors given the selected criteria in the search and view page
  3. You can click on an actor in the list to view its details.


    When looking at a Sponsor's details page, the Competent Authority section might be empty or populated depending on whether the Sponsor already has a submitted AND accepted CI/PS application.

    Sponsor details without a Competent Authority:

    EUDAMED actor contact details when consulting registered actors

    Sponsor details with a Competent Authority:

    EUDAMED sponsor details with a competent authority when consulting registered actors
  4. You can also read the Declaration on information security responsibilities by clicking on the name of the document:

    EUDAMED declaration on information security responsibilities link when consulting registered actors
  5. To download your search result in bulk (XML) format follow these steps:

    1. Activate the toggle Only enable search filters available for bulk XML download of economic operators

    2. Complete the search

    3. Click the button Generate XML and confirm

    4. Download the XML file of the results list from the Downloads management page.


    There are limitations on what search criteria you may use for bulk download, so certain filters will be disabled when this toggle is active.

    For more information on search criteria, see the DTX service definition.