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Search and view registered actors

Once an economic operator has been validated by its Competent Authority and an Actor ID/SRN is issued, its details (except those only for the Competent Authority) become visible to all users in EUDAMED and will be publicly available on the EUDAMED public website.

To search and view actors:

  1. Click on the Actors block on the dashboard or select Search & view > Actors. The actor Search & view page appears:

    EUDAMED search and view actors
  2. Enter your search criteria in the Search & view page and click Search. All actors matching your criteria are listed in the search results section:

    EUDAMED search results for actors given the selected criteria in the search and view page
  3. To view the details for any actor, click the entry in the results list.

  4. To download your search result in bulk (XML) format, activate the toggle Only enable search filters available for bulk XML download of economic operators. Once your search is complete, click the button Generate XML file and confirm. You can now view the status and download the XML file containing the results list from the Downloads management page. Please see the data exchange page for further information, available in the Data exchange section.


    There are limitations on what search criteria you can use for bulk downloads, so certain filters will be disabled when this toggle is active. Please see the DTX service definition for more information on search criteria.

Search and view actors for non-EU Manufacturer/Authorised representative

Search for Non-EU Manufacturer
  1. Click on the Actors block on the dashboard or select Search & view > Actors. The actor Search & view page appears:

    EUDAMED search and view actors
  2. Enter your search criteria in the Search & view page and click Search. All actors matching your criteria are listed in the search results section:

    EUDAMED search results for actors given the selected criteria in the search and view page
  3. To view the details for any actor, click the entry in the results list.

  4. Once you have clicked on one of the results from the list, the selection will open in a new page.

  5. By using the side menu, you can navigate between the different information related to the actor.

  6. Each section of data will be displayed within an accordion, this accordion can be expanded by clicking on the title of said accordion or by clicking on the same title in the side menu.

  7. Different information can be found in each section, clicking on Actor information will display the basic details of the actor you selected.

  8. Clicking on Authorised representative(s) mandates will display all current and past mandates as well as their details:

    Mandate title: an automatically generated title by the system for the mandate

    Actor ID/SRN: the ID for the actor related to the mandate

    Name, address, country, email and phone number: the basic information for the Authorised representative who accepted/rejected the mandate

    Mandate validity date: displays when the mandate was created till its expiration date.

Search for Authorised representative

  1. Click on the Actors block on the dashboard or select Search & view > Actors. The actor Search & view page appears:

    EUDAMED search and view actors
  2. Enter your search criteria in the Search & view page and click Search. All actors matching your criteria are listed in the search results section:

    EUDAMED search results for actors given the selected criteria in the search and view page
  3. To view the details for any actor, click the entry in the results list.

  4. Once you have clicked on one of the results from the list, the selection will open in a new page.

  5. By using the side menu, you can navigate between the different information related to the actor.

  6. Each section of data will be displayed within an accordion, this accordion can be expanded by clicking on the title of said accordion or by clicking on the same title in the side menu.

  7. Different information can be found in each section, clicking on Actor information will display the basic details of the actor you selected.

  8. Clicking on Non-EU manufacturers will display a link, clicking on this link will redirect you to the list of Non-EU manufacturers linked to the same Authorised Representative.

  9. Clicking on Competent Authority will display the details for the Competent Authority that is in charge of the actor.

  10. Devices will also display a link, clicking that link will redirect you to a list of devices registered under this actor.