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View Actor data – historical versions

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You have the option of searching for an Actor and have the search show the historical version of said actor.

To see the historical version(s) of an actor:

  1. Click on Search & View on the homepage tile or on the menu:

    EUDAMED actors link under the search and view page
  2. In the next window, when entering all the search criteria, tick the Include historical version button:

    EUDAMED search criteria in the actors search and view page
    EUDAMED include historical version toggle button in the actors search and view page
  3. After clicking on Search, a list with results relating to your search will appear, you will notice one of the columns is Version number:

    EUDAMED list with results when viewing actor data historical versions
  4. You will notice two types of versions, Current and History:

    EUDAMED current and history types of versions when viewing actor data historical versions
  5. Clicking on one of the search item will open up the historical or the current version you have selected.

  6. Also, once inside the current version, you have the option of navigating between the versions using the See version history button:

    EUDAMED see version history button in the actor data page
  7. A list of the different versions for said Actor data will display:

    EUDAMED list of all versions of the actor data when viewing actor data historical versions
  8. Clicking on one of the list items will open up that version and will also provide navigation buttons to allow easy switching between the versions:

    EUDAMED see all version history previous version and next version links when viewing actor data historical versions