Welcome to the EU Best Practice Portal on Public Health
About the EU Best Practice Portal on Public Health
The European Commission supports Member States and stakeholders in addressing public health challenges by promoting cooperation between countries and supporting their actions. By identifying, collecting and transferring best and promising practices, the EU Best Practice Portal on Public Health helps Member States to improve public health and achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, and to reach the UN/WHO global voluntary targets for health.
The portal is designed to provide reliable and practical information on practices on public health recognised as best or promising. It covers a wide range of topics, including health promotion, disease prevention and determinants of health, management of non-communicable diseases and communicable diseases. In this way, the portal serves as a resource for policymakers, stakeholders and citizens to find evidence-based practices and share knowledge across the EU.
Submitting best or promising practices for evaluation
Initiatives on public health can be submitted in two ways. They can either be submitted in response to a specific call from the European Commission or through an open call.
Regular calls for the submission of best or promising practices are launched on the basis of national and EU health priorities. This is discussed in the Public Health Expert Group which is the forum for discussion and exchange with the Member States.
Those practices which are evaluated as ‘best’ or ‘promising’ according to the criteria agreed by the Expert Group on Public Health, will be published in the portal.
The European Commission’s Best Practice Portal invites submissions related to public health. These submissions can address various topics, including health promotion, disease prevention, and management of non-communicable diseases.
SEND SUBMISSIONThe portal showcases a collection of best and promising practices. Users have the flexibility to refine their search based on various criteria, including Country, General Health Topic, Project/Joint Action, Practice Type, Year of Selection, and Keyword Filters.
PORTALA reference point for public health policy makers with reliable, independent and up-to date information on topics related to promotion of health and well-being.
KNOWLEDGE 4 POLICYYou can find information on those best or promising practices that have been implemented or are being implemented.
IMPLEMENTED LISTThe page outlines the marketplace workshops that have taken place during which the practice owners have presented their initiatives to national experts.
MARKETPLACEThe EU repository on mental health best and promising practices includes those best and promising practices identified following a call for practices in 2023 as part of the implementation of the Commission Communication on a comprehensive approach to mental health.
REPOSITORYSeveral external information sources provide additional science-based and independent information on practices in health.