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Best Practices Portal


Submit your practice for evaluation

Thank you for your interest in submitting a practice for evaluation through the European Commission’s Best Practice Portal.

Submissions can address any topic in the area of public health. The European Commission is especially calling for practices for implementation in EU Member States focusing on major public health challenges, ranging from health promotion and disease prevention to management of non-communicable diseases, and communicable diseases (e.g. HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis). Submissions in relation to vaccination and antimicrobial resistance are also most welcome.

Both governmental and non-governmental actors are invited to submit proposals for best or promising practices.

This is an open call for practices, and the practices submitted will be evaluated once a year (date to be communicated) against the best practice criteria adopted by the Steering Group on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases, which is the predecessor of the current Expert Group on Public Health (PHEG).

The decision to review promising practices will be made based on the policy needs of the European Commission and Member States.

If your practice is assessed as a best or promising practice, and if EU Member States are interested in transferring it to their country, the European Commission may invite you as owner of the practice to present it to EU Member States' representatives in a ‘marketplace event’. After this event, EU Member States may choose your practice for implementation in their countries among the practices that were presented to them during the ‘marketplace event’. Implementation will be done by means of co-funding via the EU4Health programme.

Please note that your active involvement as practice owner is required for the ‘marketplace event’, and to an even larger extent in case EU Member States choose your practice for implementation in their countries.

If you have questions about submitting a practice, you can consult the helpdesk:


Version: 2.2.0