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EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

Table of contents

Roles & Access Rights



For some EU funding programmes, additional roles are used:


Horizon ERC

Principal Investigator (PI)
Main Host Institution Contact

For Horizon Europe ERC grants, it is the Principal Investigator (PI) who applies for the grant and creates the application in the Portal (not the host institution which will become beneficiary).

The PI will therefore have the access rights of Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) and create the application with the organisation data of the host institution.

The person assigned by the PI as Main Host Institution Contact will have Coordinator Contact (CoCo) access rights (— the Main Host Institution Contact role must be assigned at the latest during grant preparation because needed to finalise and sign the grant).

Other persons can be given read-only access rights as Team Members.

If you plan to implement the project at another institution than your regular employer, put the PIC of the future host institution.

Horizon MSCA


For Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska Curie grants, it is the researcher (MSCA fellow) who applies for the grant and creates the application in the Portal (not the host institution which will become beneficiary).

The researcher will therefore have access rights of Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) and create the application with the organisation data of the host institution.

When a successful application enters the grant preparation phase, Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) role will be changed by us and given to the fellow’s supervisor in the host organisation.

Other persons can be given read-only access rights as Team Members.

If you plan to implement the project at another institution than your regular employer, put the PIC of the future host institution.

Horizon IKAA Process

IKAA Reporter

This role can carry out all activities within the IKAA process (planning and reporting activities).

The role is an organisational role. Therefore, it needs to be added at level of the organisation like other organisation roles such as the financial signatory or the account administrator as described under Organisation Roles. However, this role will not be visible until an IKAA process has been initiated for the organisation.

The LEAR and the account administrator are notified when an IKAA process starts, and have access to it, but they can delegate the activities within the process to a person by means of this role. The role grants access only to the IKAA tasks.