EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Video Tutorial

Completing an individual Evaluation Report (IER)

Individual evaluations involve the writing of Individual Evaluation Reports (IERs) by the appointed Experts for each given proposal.

To write an individual Evaluation Report, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the relevant Proposal number or Acronym in the Active tasks list. You can also use the Edit/View buttons under Action to access the task. Edit displays when the task has been already accepted, and View displays when the task has not yet been accepted.

    You can also access the task from the Dashboard tab.

  2. Click the  I agree to work on this task button to start working on the task. 
  3. Click the OK button to confirm that you have no conflict of interest, or the Cancel button to decline the task.

  4. To expand a section, click on its caption next to the (+) mark.
    To collapse a section, click on its caption next to the (-) mark.
    To expand or collapse all sections at once, use the " Expand / Collapse all criteria" links at the top and bottom right corners of the report form area.
  5. Enter your score and your comments for questions based on score criteria.
    The total score, threshold, and evaluation progress, is indicated and updated on the upper right corner of the report form while completing all the questions.


    Depending on the template the call has been configured with, there could be other kinds of questions where no score is required, but rather, you are requested to select an option which applies best to each case. Select your answer and enter your comments where applicable.

    The current selected answer/score will be shown under the question titles. This allows you to review your answers without expanding the questions.
  6. Press the CTRL+S key combination or click the Save button to save your report at any moment and return to it at a later time.
    In addition, the system automatically saves the report data once every two minutes, ensuring that you do not lose your comments and input, even if your computer crashes, or you lose your internet connection. Information about the last save operation is shown under the Save button.

  7. When you have finished the report, click the Submit button. A pop-up message will show up where you need to confirm the submission by clicking on Submit again.
  8. If there are unanswered questions, a message will display on the top and for each required field.
Adding Comments

To add a task comment, add your comment in the comment entry field in the Task Comments pane and click the Add comment button, as shown in the image below:

Your new comment will appear in the Task Comments list:
Your comments will be visible to the Commission staff representatives who are in charge of the given proposal.

(info) Note: You are not allowed to delete task comments.

Saving and Auto-Saving Your Data

You can save your report at any moment using the CTRL+S key combination or the Save button, and return to it at a later time.

In addition, the system automatically saves the report data once every two minutes, ensuring that you do not lose your comments and input, even if your computer crashes, or you lose your internet connection. Information about the last save operation is shown under the Save button:

Returning to the Task List

You can go back to the Task List (the Active Tasks tab or the All Tasks tab, depending on where you opened the task from) at any point using the Go to Task List button in the Evaluation Report Form screen, as indicated in the image below: