EU Funding & Tenders Portal

F&T Portal IT How To

IT How To

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Accepting a Task

You can only accept (i.e. start working on) a task, which is assigned to you and which is with an  Assigned status. All tasks assigned to you will be shown in the Dashboard and Active Tasks tabs (of course you can also look for them within the All Tasks tab). 
Once you accept a task, its status is changed to Open under the Active Tasks tab until you submit or decline the task (or if it is cancelled by EC Staff for some reason). 
The status shows as to complete under the Dashboard tab. 

When you submit or decline the task (or if it is cancelled by EC Staff for some reason), the task will not be shown in this tab anymore. 

IMPORTANT: You can accept a task in the two alternative ways – implicitly and explicitly, as follows.

ACCEPT IMPLICITLY: From the Active Tasks tab (also accessible from the All Tasks tab)

  1. Open the Active Tasks tab:
    Click the Edit button for an Assigned task to accept the task.

  2. Click  for the respective task in the list.
     (info) Note: Alternatively, you can also access this option from the All Tasks tab for tasks with an Assigned status, or click the task under New assignments within the Dashboard tab.

ACCEPT EXPLICITLY: From the Proposal Details screen

  1. Open the Proposal Details screen (see the previous section for help on accessing it).
  2. If there is a task with an Assigned status for this proposal, you will be able to accept to work on this task using the  button, as shown in the visual example below: