Fisheries Areas Network


FLAG Factsheet
The Tri Mora FLAG is situated in the central part of Adriatic coast in Zadar County, under the Velebit mountain range and stretching over the Velebit channel.
FLAG Factsheet
The FLAG area is situated in the south of the Istrian peninsula. All local self-government units, apart from the Svetvinčenat municipality, are coastal. The area is very rich in historical and cultural heritage which to a large extent is linked with the sea and fisheries. A significant part of the area is under the protection of Natura 2000.
FLAG Factsheet
The FLAG area mainly comprises the islands of the coast of Zadar where agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries were historically primary sectors.
FLAG Factsheet
The Ignalina FLAG territory is situated in the east of Lithuania, a region characterised by its many lakes and forests. As such, it has a high potential for the development of recreational, tourism and sports activities. Lakes occupy about 7.7% of the area, forests are about 33.7%, and woodland swamps approximately 10.7%.
FLAG Factsheet
The FLAG is situated in the western part of Lithuania, near the Curonian Lagoon. The region is well known for covering a large variety of water bodies and is aptly called ‘the land of four waters’ as a result. As well as the Curonian Lagoon, these waters also include the Baltic Sea it is surrounded by the Baltic Sea and several lakes, rivers, ponds, quarries suitable for recreational fishing.
FLAG Factsheet
The Šiauliai FLAG area has a high potential for the development of tourism and recreational activities. Situated in the North of Lithuania, it has a rich cultural heritage and numerous natural monuments. The region has a wealth of inland waterways and ponds which are ideal for the creation and development of fisheries and aquaculture, recreational fishing activities and water sports.
FLAG Factsheet
The Utena FLAG is situated to the east of Lithuania and is close to the Latvian border. The area has a naturally rich environment and comprises many lakes, forests, ponds, rivers, and streams and is a popular destination for national and international tourists. There are 182 lakes throughout the region making it a popular destination for water sports, cultural excursions and eco-tourism.
FLAG Factsheet
The Zarasai and Visaginas region local action group is located in the north-east of Lithuania, in Utena county, on the border with Latvia and Belarus. The LAG territory is extremely rich in nature and pine woodland occupies nearly 30% of the LAG territory (around 51 thousand ha). 12.2% of the area is covered by around 300 water bodies. The total area of water bodies is about 13 000 ha.
FLAG Factsheet
The FLAG is situated in the southwestern region of Lithuania and is characterised by vast forests, waterways and scenic landscapes. The area has a strong cultural heritage linked with fish farming, where common products are carp, white amur and sturgeon. Due to the nature of the FLAG area’s natural landscape, it is well positioned for developing tourism.
FLAG Factsheet
The area of the local action group "Vilkauda" is located in a wide geographical area of the country and includes the southern, south-eastern and eastern territories with different traditions and conditions of natural and cultural heritage and fisheries development.