Fisheries Areas Network


  • Promoting aquaculture products

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    Three Slovenian FLAGs are implementing a collaborative assessment of fisheries products to establish a quality system for fish products produced in Slovenia.
  • Decarbonising economic activities in Culatra Island

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Sotavento do Algarve FLAG supported investment to enable Culatra Island, Portugal’s most important location for aquaculture production, to transition to solar energy.
  • Preserving wild sea urchins through sustainable farming

    - Good Practice Short Story
    The Mondego Mar FLAG financed a project to bring some unused saltpans back into use to produce an aquaculture product which is highly coveted by restaurateurs: the sea urchin, also known as ‘Portuguese caviar’.
  • Blockchain improves traceability for small-scale fishers

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    This cooperation project aimed to apply a technology based on the “blockchain” principle to fisheries. By using this trustworthy shared recording system, the three FLAGs implemented a traceability system which provides complete and accurate information to consumers of artisanal fishing products.
  • Blockchain improves traceability for small-scale fishers

    - Good Practice Project
    This cooperation project aimed to apply a technology based on the “blockchain” principle to fisheries. By using this trustworthy shared recording system, the three FLAGs implemented a traceability system which provides complete and accurate information to consumers of artisanal fishing products.
  • Indoor aquaponics farm development

    - Good Practice Short Story
    A Finnish FLAG supported a research project to create a business model based on indoor aquaponic farming. This innovative concept reduces water use by 85% and produces both fish and vegetables with near zero-waste discharge.
  • Turning shellfish by-products into energy

    - Good Practice Project
    La acuicultura conchícola constituye una importante actividad económica en la costa francesa del Atlántico, aunque también genera subproductos en forma de mejillones de pequeño tamaño que se suelen desechar. El objetivo de este proyecto es explotar el potencial que este producto tiene para generar metano como fuente de energía.
  • Making oyster farming energy self-sufficient

    - Good Practice Project
    Chantier Bretagne Sud, un astillero ubicado en la región francesa de Bretaña, ha dirigido un proyecto para ayudar a los ostricultores bretones en su proceso de transición hacia las energías renovables, estudiando para ello sus necesidades y ofreciendo tecnologías adaptadas.
  • Better salinity and temperature data to improve flat oyster spat collection

    - Good Practice Project
    Los ostricultores del sur de Bretaña han instalado una boya multisensorial de alta frecuencia para tener un mejor conocimiento del asentamiento de las semillas de la ostra plana, un recurso fundamental de la zona.
  • Reducing waste linked to processing shellfish

    - Good Practice Short Story
    An Irish FLAG has supported a local, family aquaculture business that farms Gigas oysters to improve processing methods, reduce energy consumption and cut waste.