Fisheries Areas Network

Cooperation Idea

"Coastal Agreement" for smart coastal areas

The Chioggia and the Delta Po GAC FLAG proposes launching an inter-territorial and transnational cooperation project called "Coastal Agreement for SMART Coastal Areas".
The project idea is based on experience that the FLAG has developed in the framework of the Venetian Coast Agreement, currently implemented in the coastal areas of the Veneto Region, between the final part of the Tagliamento River and the Delta of Po River. The Coastal Agreement concept derives from the existing model of a River Agreement (‘contratto di fiume’) in Italy, and shall be understood as a water governance tool, based on a participatory and collaborative process that involves all coastal areas’ local stakeholders (environment, fisheries, agriculture, tourism, infrastructure and transport, yachting, etc.) and resulting in an integrated and responsible management of a whole “river or coastal system”.

/fpfis/cms/farnet2/file/cooperation-idea-en-0_daCooperation idea (EN)

PDF icon Cooperation idea (EN)
Cooperation idea (EN)

/fpfis/cms/farnet2/file/cooperation-idea-it-0_daCooperation idea (IT)

PDF icon Cooperation idea (IT)
Cooperation idea (IT)



Preferred countries
Sea Basins
Type of area
Cooperation status

Contact details

FLAG Contacts

Mr. Andrea Portieri
+39 0426 394445
Publication date: 
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