Fisheries Areas Network

European Union

  • Promoting line-caught fish with local stakeholders

    - Good Practice Project
    The professional line fishers’ association of the Brittany region has run a communication campaign to promote line-caught fish. Two FLAGs cooperated to support this campaign that highlights the environmental sustainability and quality that are associated with this way of fishing.
  • Turning shellfish by-products into energy

    - Good Practice Project
    Shellfish farming is an important economic activity on the Atlantic French coast. But it also generates undersized mussels as by-products which are usually thrown away. This project focuses on exploiting their potential by generating methane to produce energy.
  • Recruiting young people to train with experienced fishers

    - Good Practice Project
    The Lapland FLAG has financed a fisheries recruitment and training project to rejuvenate the ageing fisheries sector in the area around the Lokka and Porttipahta reservoirs. As a result, 14 young fishers of both genders started to operate.
  • Making oyster farming energy self-sufficient

    - Good Practice Project
    The Chantier Bretagne Sud shipyard has led a project to support Brittany’s oyster farms in their transition to renewable energies by studying their needs and offering adapted technology.
  • European cooperation on actions for the preservation of water quality

    - Cooperation Idea
    The Intercommunal Syndicate of Arcachon Bay (SIBA) is looking for FLAGs from EU in a variety of areas, including bays, lagoons andr gulf ecosystems, for exchanging good practices on water quality preservation. The final goal of this cooperation would be to engage with local/regional agencies in charge of water quality management; to exchange good practices, share lessons and answer common questions; and to set the baseline for a formal cooperation across European bays on the topic of water quality management.
  • Energy Island: Networking for local economic impact

    - Good Practice Project
    A FLAG supported project brings together a network of 17 local businesses in order to consolidate Bornholm as one of Denmark’s two “energy islands”, focused on the production and transformation of wind energy.
  • Better salinity and temperature data to improve flat oyster spat collection

    - Good Practice Project
    The oyster farmers of south Brittany installed a high-frequency multi-sensing buoy to support the understanding of spat settlement of the flat oyster, a key resource in the area.
  • New funds for small-scale fisheries projects

    - News
    WWF and Blue Seeds have launched an innovative scheme supporting small-scale fishers in coastal areas that want to implement measures to reduce the environmental impact of fisheries.
  • From Denmark to the Rhodopes: bringing fisheries closer to citizens

    - Basic page
    After a study visit to Fyn FLAG in Denmark, a fishers’ association member was inspired to adapt one of the Danish projects to his area’s needs. The project aims to boost tourism and improve local knowledge of fisheries heritage.
  • Wind turbine

    Eco-diversifying the local economy

    - Good Practice Short Story
    In Poland, the North Kaszuby FLAG supported the setting up of an experimental wind turbine in a local engineering company, helping to establish a new local energy supply, to promote economic diversification, and to create a new educational offer.