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PSRP assessment - first version (Participating CA opt-out)


Participating CAs receive a notification to assess (opt in or opt out) a newly submitted PSRP.

If the participating CA takes no action, the PSRP changes to state Registered after seven calendar days from submission.

The following process describes how a participating CA can opt out of the PSR via the PSRP assessment:

  1. Access the relevant PSRP via Search and Manage Vigilance items:

    EUDAMED Search and Manage Vigilance items page
  2. Inside the PSRP, click on the button Stop participating in PSR (from the beginning of the current period):

    EUDAMED PSRP page with Stop participating in PSR button
  3. In the pop-up window add any comments if necessary, and click on Complete action to finalise the action:

    EUDAMED PSRP pop-up window with Complete action button