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LAA assessment for CIPS profile approval

[For LAA of a Sponsor]

When approving a new user's access request OR an existent user profile update request in CIPS, the Sponsor LAA needs to assess the request and give access to the SIN:

  1. Click on Assess user access requests to manage pending requests and see registered users:

    EUDAMED assess user access requests link on the dashboard
    EUDAMED assess user access requests link on the dashboard under the user management section
  2. In the Pending requests window, click list_icon.png Assess access request in the Actions column to manage the request:

    EUDAMED pending requests tab in the user management page
  3. Once you approve the assessment after checking the information, toggle to Approve and click on Next step to go directly to granting access to all (or specific) SINs:

    EUDAMED outcome field with toggle button to approve and next step and cancel buttons
  4. Click Approve again for this profile, and proceed with granting access to all (or specifics) SIN(s) now, or later (see Granting SIN access):

    EUDAMED page to grant access to sins
  5. Once you have finished, click on Complete assessment and then on Confirm:

    EUDAMED complete assessment and cancel buttons
    EUDAMED confirm and cancel buttons in the grant access page
  6. If everything was done correctly, a confirmation screen will appear:

    EUDAMED confirmation message