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CECP record with Basic UDI-DI registered in EUDAMED

  1. Add a device by clicking the + Add a device button:

    EUDAMED add a device link and save, save and next and cancel buttons
  2. Enter the Basic UDI-DI (the entire code) and click Check registry:

    EUDAMED enter the basic udi-di code field, check registry button and remove this device and add a device links
  3. In order EUDAMED to be able to retrieve information about the Basic UDI-DI, it must have been already registered via the UDI/Devices module.

    The system will display the Basic UDI-DI data:

    EUDAMED details on the selected basic udi-di in the devices information step
  4. If you wish to add another device, click the + Add a device button.

  5. When a Basic UDI-DI is not yet registered in EUDAMED, the system will ask you to provide the following details:

    • Issuing agency

    • Name

    • Model

    EUDAMED issuing agency, name and model fields and remove this device and add a device links


    Both the name and model need to be provided.

  6. You can click on Save to save your draft, or Save & Next to continue the registration process.