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CECP management

  1. Click on Manage your CECP:

    EUDAMED manage your cecp link on the dashboard
    EUDAMED register a clinical evaluation consultation procedure (cecp) and manage your cecp links under the cecp secstion on the dashboard

    You are brought to the following page:

    EUDAMED clinical evaluation consultation procedure (cecp) management page
  2. By default the system will display the list of all the CECP records to which you have access in Draft state. Use the Filter button to help find the required CECP in Draft, Registered or Deleted state:

    EUDAMED register ne cecp and filter buttons and fields in the clinical evaluation consultation procedure (cecp) management page
  3. You can filter by Certificate type, CECP reference, Status of the CECP and State. When you are done, click Apply filters to refresh the list.

  4. Click on the three dots under Actions to open a drop-down menu.

    If your CECP is in draft state you have two options:

    EUDAMED view data and edit data links under the three dots
    • Clicking View will open the CECP in read-only mode and give you a summary.

    • Clicking Edit will open the CECP and allow you to modify the information.

    If you click Edit data, you will be brought to the Devices step of the CECP registration:

    EUDAMED add a device link and save, save and next and cancel buttons


When searching for a registered CECP, you will only have the option to view the data, not to edit it.