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Terminating a mandate

[Specific to authorised representatives and non-EU manufacturers]

The Authorised Representative or the non-EU manufacturer may terminate a mandate. Either the Authorised Representative or the non-EU manufacturer can mark a mandate as Terminated in EUDAMED. The procedures are very similar.

If you are an Authorised Representative

To terminate a mandate

  1. Select Manage your mandates under the Actor management section.

    EUDAMED manage your mandates link in the dashboard

    The Mandate Management page appears. The mandates are split into two tabs: Pending mandates and Registered mandates.

  2. Select the Registered mandates tab. A list of all your registered mandates is displayed:

    EUDAMED registered mandates tab under the mandate management page
  3. Click on the registered mandate that is to be terminated. The details of the selected mandate are displayed:

    EUDAMED mandate details page and terminate mandate button
  4. Click Terminate mandate at the bottom of the page.

  5. Use the calendar icon to select the termination date.

  6. Click Confirm.

If you are a non-EU manufacturer

To terminate a mandate

  1. Select Manage my mandates under the My Actor data section. The list and state of existing mandates is displayed:

    EUDAMED list of existing mandates under view my mandates page
  2. Click on the registered mandate that is to be terminated. The details of the selected mandate are displayed.

  3. Click Terminate mandate at the bottom of the mandate detail page.

  4. Use the calendar icon to select the termination date.

  5. Click Confirm.

  6. You can see the terminated mandate by clicking on My actor data, and clicking on Authorised representative on the side or by scrolling the page:

    EUDAMED my actor data page

    The terminated mandate will appear in an accordion, click on its name to expand it, the termination date will be shown at the bottom of the accordion:

    EUDAMED details of the terminated mandate