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Before performing M2M data exchange, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The public/private organisation must be registered as an Actor in EUDAMED and have an active user with Local Actor Administrator (LAA) profile.

  2. A user with LAA profile acting on behalf of the Actor must know or obtain the Party ID that identifies the Access Point that will be used for data exchange with EUDAMED.

  3. A user with LAA profile acting on behalf of the Actor must obtain a security key (token) for every module that the user intends to perform M2M data exchange (see Generate your security key page).

  4. A user with LAA profile acting on behalf of the Actor must have successfully completed the onboarding procedure in the Playground environment, because before having an AP in the Production environment all participants must apply for an AP in Playground in order to test the service (see Machine-to-machine page).