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Manage your device Basic UDI-DI/EUDAMED DI details

  1. On the dashboard, click on Manage your Basic UDIs/EUDAMED DIs:

    EUDAMED manage your basic udis/eudamed dis link on the dashboard
  2. You will see a list with all of the Basic UDI-DIs /EUDAMED DIs registered to the current actor:


    By default, the Basic UDI-DIs/EUDAMED DIs listed are the ones in draft state. To retrieve Basic UDI-DIs/EUDAMED DIs in other states, use the filters.

    EUDAMED list of registered to the current actor basic udi-dis/eudamed dis
  3. Click on the three dots on the right of the desired entry and then click on View Data from the list:

    EUDAMED view data link under the thee dots
  4. You will see a summary of the details concerning your Basic UDI-DI/EUDAMED DI:

    EUDAMED summary of the details on the basic udi-di/eudamed di

Delete a draft Basic UDI-DI/EUDAMED DI

Update (Create new version) for Basic UDI-DI/EUDAMED DI