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Register a request for suspension/withdrawal of certificate(s)

  1. From the homepage, click on Manage requests for suspension/withdrawal of certificates under the Certificates column on the right of the screen:

    EUDAMED manage requests for suspension/withdrawal of certificate link on the dashboard
  2. On the following suspension/withdrawal management page, select the Notified Body from the dropdown list (mandatory), complete any other search criteria and click on Apply filters:

    EUDAMED search criteria in the request for suspension/withdrawal management page

    Next the Certificates result list will appear:

    EUDAMED list with all certificates given the selected criteria
  3. Select the relevant Certificates from the column on the left and click on Request for Suspension or Request for Withdrawal accordingly:

    EUDAMED request for suspension and request for withdrawal links in the certificates list

    The next page displays selected certificates as well as the details of the selected Notified Body.

  4. Fill in the mandatory fields, i.e. the Request date and Comments, and click on Confirm:

    EUDAMED fields in the request for suspension of certificates page and confirm and cancel buttons

    The system has now successfully registered the request:

    EUDAMED message about the successful registration of the request for suspension/withdrawal

An email notification is sent to the competent authority(ies) of the country of establishment of the manufacturer, or of its authorised representative(s), to inform them about that request for withdrawal/suspension of certificate(s).

View own requests for suspension/withdrawal of certificates