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Assess and confirm first NB LAA user request

  1. From your EUDAMED dashboard, click on First NB LAA users:

    EUDAMED actors first NB LAA user link
  2. On the Pending requests tab, you will find a table containing the user request entry. Click on the list icon under the Actions column:

    EUDAMED pending requests tab in First NB LAA users page
  3. The Assessment page will open, which displays all the Actor Identification and NB user information:

    EUDAMED assessment page when assessing and confirming first NB LAA user request
  4. At the bottom of the page, toggle left or right to approve or refuse the request accordingly, and then press Submit.

    EUDAMED approve or refuse request toggle button when assessing and confirming first NB LAA user request
  5. If you choose to refuse the request, you are required to provide your comments/justifications in the Remarks box provided below before submitting your assessment.

    EUDAMED remarks field and submit button when assessing and confirming first NB LAA user request
  6. Once you have approved a request, it will appear under the Registered requests tab.

    EUDAMED registered requests section in the First NB LAA users page

    You have now completed the process for assessment of a NB first LAA.