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Activate/deactivate your actor

[This section is for LAA profiles only]

If you are the LAA of an Active Actor (Active being the default status of your Actor upon registration) you can indicate that your Actor is no longer Active from My Actor data > Manage your actor data:

EUDAMED manage your actor data link on the dashboard


An actor CANNOT change its status if they have Actor data in draft, OR if they have submitted a Change of Competent Authority request.

Set your status to Inactive
  1. On the right side of the screen, click on Actions:

    EUDAMED actions button in my actor data page
  2. Click on Set status to Inactive:

    EUDAMED set status to inactive link under actions button in my actor data page


    By changing your status from Active to Inactive, a new Actor data version will be created reflecting your new status.

  3. In the new window, toggle the button from Active to Inactive:

    EUDAMED active inactive toggle button under the change actor status page
  4. Select the date from when this actor is no longer Active:

    EUDAMED date from field when activating deactivating your actor
    EUDAMED date from calendar when activating deactivating your actor


    Selecting a date in the future is not allowed.

    EUDAMED from date field error message when activating deactivating your actor
  5. In the Reason box, write the reason why the actor is inactive:

    EUDAMED reason box when activating deactivating your actor
  6. Once you are done, click on Register new status:

    EUDAMED register new status button when activating deactivating your actor
  7. In the new pop-up window, click on Confirm. Upon confirmation, your new status will be reflected in My actor data page and in other screens next to your SRN:

    EUDAMED change actor status confirmation message and button when activating deactivating your actor


    Setting your status back to Active, can be done at any time from Manage your Actor data.


    When your status is already Active, you will not see any Status bar in your Actor data.