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Today, on 3 July, is #PlasticBagFreeDay! We all use them, plastic bags, be it at the grocery store or on a shopping spree. The result is alwas the same: You alwas produce an enormous amount of avoidable waste. Now what happens to the plastic bags and wrappers thoughtlessly tossed aside? Out in the ocean floating islands of plastic waste reach hundreds of miles, and plastic bags play heavily among them… Raising awareness on the environmental impact and hazards of single-use plastics by spreading the word that a plastic bag free world is possible and that more sustainable alternatives to single use plastic bags are available is crucial. Accordingly, the team of the Speech Repository has gathered a few themed speeches. Enjoy!

DE: 27045

EN: 22951, 26829 (MySpeechRepository)

ES: 27673, 23711 (MySpeechRepository)

FR: 25679, 22446, 22445

IT: 27889, 27754, 23590, 23567

NL: 26596

PL: 25450 (MySpeechRepository)

RO: 27798

SL: 28255 (MySpeechRepository)

You can find many more themed speeches in your respective languages on the Speech Repository. Just type in"plastic" or any other related keywords!


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