Vilnius County Police Headquarters

Member since: January 2022
Submitted by No name or org… (not verified) on

What are you doing/aiming to do for road safety?

Vilnius County Police Headquarters has prepared a three year road safety plan for
2010-2012. They will commit to the European Road Safety Charter with the following activities:
1. Methods and tools. Road user education: interaction with society, communication and distribution of road safety information through police offices and public space through the media. We plan to organise approximately 300 trainings and discusions as well as 6 bigger road safety events. Cooperation with other authorities and organisations who deal with road safety issues. We will prepare and distribute road safety materials to them.
2. The process.
2.1.We will continue to provide road safety lectures in the Road Safety Class. We will organise practical tasks for children and youngsters so they could learn the basic road rules. We are also going to present a collection of movies and videos about safe behavior in the streets and organise special road safety events, conferences and exhibitions of children paintings.
2.2.In 2010 we will organise a road safety campaign "Saugokime vieni kitus kelyje" (Let's take care of each other's safety on the roads) in collaboration with various religious communities. The main goals of the campaign is to raise road safety awareness among people, to develop a safe driving culture and to show the advantages of using reflectors, reflector vests during the dark time of the day and other reflective material.
2.3.In 2010 Vilnius County Police Headquarters commits to organise 6 road safety events in Vilnius. The events will be open to all Vilnius residents.
2.4.We will constantly update road safety information on our website and distribute the information within media. We will provide information about road users control on the roads. We will seek to raise road safety awareness and the culture of driving in the country.
3. Team. Vilnius County Police Headquarters and Vilnius territorial police units.
4. Project duration 2010-2012.

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