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Maritime Forum

The Blue Economy is an important source of employment for many Europeans, which has great potential for future growth. This map features the percentage of Blue Economy jobs in the overall economy of each Member State. Furthermore, it provides the breakdown of employment by the six main Blue Economy sectors: coastal tourism, marine living resources, marine non-living resources, port activities, shipbuilding and repair, and maritime transport.


Have a closer look at the employment in the blue sector.

  • Which is the main sector of employment in your country?
  • Compare employment to the neighbouring countries. Is the situation the same? Why?
  • Is employment in the blue economy increasing or not?
  • In which countries is the percentage of blue economy employment the highest to the overall active population?

Which other maps do you find on employment itself?


Describe what is influencing employment and why.

What is the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary sectors?

Which country employs the most people in the maritime sector?