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Maritime Forum

Public consultation on the interim evaluation of the direct management under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)


The aim of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is to support the implementation of the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy and Common Fisheries Policy. 90% of the Fund is managed autonomously by national authorities. However, just over 10%, €647,275,400 in total over the seven years 2014-2020, has been earmarked for measures managed directly by the services of the European Commission and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises. Approximately 100 contracts under this direct management part of the programme are signed each year. The main activities are:

  • foster the development and implementation of integrated governance of maritime and coastal affairs (mostly events, including European Maritime Day)
  • enhancing effectiveness and efficiency through information exchange across sectors and borders, while taking due account of existing and future cooperation mechanisms and systems (development of Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE))
  • maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal zone management processes (supporting the implementation of the Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning through cross-border Maritime Spatial Planning projects)
  • the progressive development of a comprehensive and publicly accessible high quality marine data and knowledge base (development and operation of European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet} and seabed maps)
  • support sustainable economic growth, employment, innovation and new technologies within emerging and prospective maritime sectors, as well as in coastal, insular and outermost regions of the Union, in a way that complements established sectoral and national activities (studies to ascertain the size and dynamics of the blue economy, particularly emerging sectors, including for sea-basins)
  • promote the protection of the marine environment, (studies to help national authorities implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive)
  • the collection, management and dissemination of scientific advice under the CFP (support to the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES);, the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF), studies)
  • specific control and enforcement measures under the CFP (provision of IT services and supplies, chartering of patrol vessels and aircraft)
  • voluntary contributions to international organisations (mostly to regional fisheries management organisations)
  • Advisory Councils (stakeholder-led organisations that provide the Commission and EU countries with recommendations)
  • market intelligence (develop and operate EUMOFA, European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Observatory, the market intelligence tool on the European Union fisheries and aquaculture sector)
  • communication activities under the common fisheries policy and the integrated maritime policy

The Commission would like to hear your opinion on the effectiveness, efficiency, coherece, EU added value of this spending

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