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Long-term conservation of Great Bustard and Red-footed Falcon in border region of Hungary and Slovakia

Reference: LIFE20 NAT/SK/001077 | Acronym: LIFE STEPPE ON BORDER



Both in Europe and globally, according to the IUCN Red List, the red−footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) is considered ‘Near Threatened’ and the great bustard (Otis tarda) is considered ‘Vulnerable’, due to the large (>30%) declines in the recent 40 years. Habitat loss and low breeding rates are considered critical threats for both species. Their breeding populations are not evenly distributed in Central Europe, but are concentrated in only a few places at varying numbers, and this increases vulnerability. Re−colonisation from other areas is not possible due to relatively long distances. Disruption of population interconnection also threatens their extinction.

The Natura 2000 site ‘Sysľovské polia’ (SKCHVU029) is the last known site in Slovakia where the occurrence of red−footed falcon was continuous in the breeding period. Until 2019 it was the last known breeding site of the species in the country, and in 2020 16 pairs were recorded. It is also the last known site where great bustard regularly occurs in the breeding period in Slovakia, though only four breeding attempts were estimated in 2018. The site is characteristic of intensive farming (95% of the land) with heavy use of pesticides and fertilisers. Populations of both target species suffer from low availability of prey, unfavourable natural breeding conditions, and disturbance from illegal visitors.

The Natura 2000 site ‘Mosoni Sík’ (HUFH10004) in Hungary is characterised by a very low proportion of grasslands, and red−footed falcon have difficulty finding prey in the intensively-farmed arable land. Therefore, breeding success is very low (0−2 chicks/nest). The site is presently the only great bustard habitat in the Little Hungarian Plain. In the site ‘Fertő tó’ (HUFH10001) the land use situation is similar, and for a long time red−footed falcon did not breed in the area, but 1−8 pairs were recorded in 2015-2020. The natural connection between the western border population and the core breeding area for red-footed falcon is potentially available through two other Natura 2000 sites (SPAs: HUDI10005 and HUDI10007) though suitable nesting sites limit the recolonisation process.


The LIFE STEPPE ON BORDER project aims to prevent the extinction, and support the long-term growth of populations, of the red−footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) and the great bustard (Otis tarda) in the Slovakia-Hungary-Austria region, on the western border of the distribution ranges for breeding population of both species in Central Europe.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Establish/maintain viable breeding populations of both species, and improve the status of migrating (red-footed falcon) and wintering (great bustard) populations;
  • Prevent extinction/halt the decline and improve conditions for growth of both species in the border region of Slovakia and Hungary (directly), as well as in Austria (indirectly);
  • Create/support connections with other subpopulations, especially from core breeding areas in Hungary;
  • Improve availability and quality of prey, and restore and increase areas of breeding and feeding habitat;
  • Decrease disturbance, create safe nesting conditions, increase breeding success, and improve breeding conditions;
  • Increase involvement of key stakeholders (land owners/users, decision makers, nature conservation authorities, municipalities) and increase awareness to support the sustainability of the project, e.g. by promoting an increase of insects and overall farmland biodiversity.

Through these actions, the project will contribute to the implementation of the EU Birds Directive in Hungary and Slovakia, and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Restored habitats will also positively influence many other bird, animal and plant species, and the implementation of conservation measures in agricultural land in line with the Common Agricultural Policy. Finally, the project will help to achieve specific objectives of the EU Species Action Plan for the red-footed falcon.



Expected results:

In Slovakia:

  • Habitat conditions improved on about 112 ha;
  • 100 new breeding opportunities created;
  • Over 3 000 trees planted, degraded windbreaks and forest stands restored;
  • Average abundance of insect and small mammal species increased by 30%;
  • Breeding pairs of red-footed falcon increased from 19 (in 2020) to 25 pairs (+32%);
  • Number of red-footed falcon increased from 111 individuals (average cumulative in 2014-2019) to 180 in 2025 (+38%);
  • Number of great bustard breeding attempts increased from 0-4 (2012-2019) to 5-10;
  • Number of red-footed falcon breeding attempts increased by 20%;
  • Number of illegal visitors decreased by 60%.

In Hungary:

  • Habitat conditions improved on 311 ha of grasslands;
  • Fallow land strips created on 50 ha of intensively-ploughed land;
  • 100 new breeding opportunities created for red-footed falcon in HUFH10001 and HUFH10004, breeding pairs improved from 0−2 to 10 pairs in each of two SPAs;
  • 200 new breeding opportunities created in HUDI10005 and HUDI10007, breeding red-footed falcon population increased to 20 breeding pairs;
  • Number of available rook nests increased by 20% in HUDI10005 and HUDI10007;
  • Number of great bustard breeding hens improved from 15-40 to 50 in HUFH10004, number of wintering great bustard increased from 50 (2020) to 80 individuals.


Reference: LIFE20 NAT/SK/001077
Start Date: 01/02/2022
End Date: 30/04/2027
Total Eligible Budget: 2,672,528 €
EU Contribution: 2,004,396 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Ochrana dravcov na Slovensku / Raptor Protection of Slovakia
Legal Status: PNC
Address: Trhová 54, SK-84101, Bratislava,
Contact Person: Klara Tothova
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

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  • Agriculture - Forestry
  • Birds


  • bird species
  • Agriculture


  • COM(2020) 380 EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 Bringing nature back into our lives (20.05.2020.) 
  • COM(2010)672 - The CAP towards 2020: Meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future (18.11.2010)
  • Directive 2009/147 - Conservation of wild birds - Birds Directive (codified version of Directive 79/409/EEC as amended) (30.11.2009)


  • Otis tarda
  • Falco vespertinus


Code Name Type Version
Sárvíz völgye HUDI10005 SPA v.2021
Velencei-tó és Dinnyési-Fertő HUDI10007 SPA v.2021
Syslovske polia SKCHVU029 SPA v.2021
Mosoni-sík HUFH10004 SPA v.2021
Fertő tó HUFH10001 SPA v.2021


Name Type
Várbalog(Municipality of Várbalog), Hungary Participant
MME(MME BirdLife Hungary), Hungary Participant
FHNPD(Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate), Hungary Participant
SOS(Slovenská ornitologická spoločnosť/BirdLife Slovensko), Slovakia Participant
SNC(Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky / State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic), Slovakia Participant
Bratislava(Hlavné mesto Slovenskej republiky Bratislava), Slovakia Participant
RPS (Raptor Protection of Slovakia), Slovakia Coordinator