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Securing the recovery of the Endangered Saker Falcon in Bulgaria and Southern Romania

Reference: LIFE20 NAT/BG/001162 | Acronym: LIFE for Falcons



The Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) was uplisted by the IUCN to globally ‘Endangered’ in 2012 due to an evaluated decline of around 50% in its global population within the last 20 years. In Europe, the species has declined markedly since 1945, its historical range becoming severely reduced and fragmented. In Bulgaria, the Saker falcon was widespread during the 20th century, but a considerable decline was recorded in the 1950s. Since 2010, only a few occupied territories have been reported and only one nest found (representing a 90% decline over the last 40 years). In Romania, the species has also declined significantly during the 20th century. Following the implementation of the cross-border project LIFE09 NAT/HU/000384, a minimum of 23 breeding pairs were located in the last 5 years. At least 5 nests are known to exist in Romanian/Bulgarian border regions.



The overarching goal of the LIFE for Falcons project is to enable the recovery of the endangered Saker falcon’s population in Bulgaria and southern Romania, in line with the International Species Action Plan. By implementing a series of proven best practices, the project will provide safe dispersal areas, stopover sites, wintering grounds, and potential breeding territories with suitable habitats for individuals from the larger population in the Carpathian basin in Hungary and Slovakia that frequently visit Bulgaria and Romania.



Expected results:

  • Mitigation of the underlying causes of illegal killing of falcons, via breeding pigeons they can prey on and working with pigeon fanciers and hunters: construction of 5 decoy pigeon lofts for decreasing the conflict, 3 best practices for mitigation of raptor predation on pigeons tested and mitigation measures developed;
  • Improved capacity for bird crime prevention: law enforcement officials trained about investigation of illegal wildlife killing, nest robbery and illegal pesticides use (5 seminars), law enforcement activities against persecution (аt least 3 cases investigated) and awareness-raising activities involving at least 1000 hunters held;
  • Vulnerable Saker falcon nest(3-5) protected via technical or volunteer surveillance scheme;
  • Reduced electrocution of birds with at least 300 dangerous pylons insulated;
  • 100 ha of land purchased by BSPB to ensure long-term conservation of key plots;
  • Restoration and management of 100 ha of grassland habitats as feeding ground in the project SPAs;
  • Recovery of population of prey species European ground squirrel (souslik), by translocation, on the purchased land plots;
  • Developed, tested and demonstrated methodologies for breeding and restocking of the Romanian hamster, with the creation of a captive population for further reintroduction programmes and a pilot restocking in at least one SPA;
  • Trees planted in at least 5 SPAs to ensure long-term breeding habitat availability;
  • Attraction of falcons to project SPAs through placing of 120 artificial nests;
  • Over 10 000 local people and all responsible public authorities from selected key sites actively involved in the Saker falcon conservation actions;
  • At least 1 million people in Bulgaria and countries along the falcon‘s flyway informed about the project activities resulting in a substantial increase of public awareness on the threats and conservation of the Saker falcon;
  • Creation of a local network of supporters among stakeholders, hunters and pigeon fanciers; and
  • Increased awareness among farmers (200) about the risk of using pesticides.




Reference: LIFE20 NAT/BG/001162
Acronym: LIFE for Falcons
Start Date: 01/10/2021
End Date: 31/12/2026
Total Eligible Budget: 2,448,489 €
EU Contribution: 1,833,239 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds
Legal Status: PNC
Address: Yavorov Complex; Block 71; Entrance 4, app. 1, 1111, Sofia,
Contact Person: Volen Arkumarev
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

LIFE Project Map



  • Birds
  • Ecological coherence


  • bird species


  • Directive 79/409 - Conservation of wild birds (02.04.1979)


  • Falco cherrug


Code Name Type Version
Tsentralen Balkan - bufer BG0001493 SCI/SAC v.2021
Sinite kamani - Grebenets BG0002058 SPA v.2021
Ludogorie BG0002062 SPA v.2021
Măxineni ROSPA0077 SPA v.2021
Durankulashko ezero BG0002050 SPA v.2021
Belite skali BG0002097 SPA v.2021
Provadiysko-Royaksko plato BG0002038 SPA v.2021
Aliman - Adamclisi ROSPA0001 SPA v.2021
Stepa Casimcea ROSPA0100 SPA v.2021
Tsentralen Balkan bufer BG0002128 SPA v.2021
Sakar BG0000212 SCI/SAC v.2021
Nikopolsko plato BG0002074 SPA v.2021
Lomovete BG0000608 SCI/SAC v.2021
Ezero Shabla - Ezerets BG0000621 SCI/SAC v.2021
Suha reka BG0000107 SCI/SAC v.2021
Harsovska reka BG0002039 SPA v.2021
Suha reka BG0002048 SPA v.2021
Derventski vazvishenia 1 BG0000218 SCI/SAC v.2021
Shablenski ezeren kompleks BG0000156 SPA v.2021
Ponor BG0002005 SPA v.2021
Besaparski ridove BG0002057 SPA v.2021
Batova BG0002082 SPA v.2021
Orizishta Tsalapitsa BG0002086 SPA v.2021
Dunăre - Ostroave ROSPA0039 SPA v.2021
Dolinata na reka Batova BG0000102 SCI/SAC v.2021
Kaliakra BG0002051 SPA v.2021
Kamenski bair BG0002059 SPA v.2021
Svishtovsko-Belenska nizina BG0002083 SPA v.2021
Stepa Saraiu - Horea ROSPA0101 SPA v.2021
Kompleks Kaliakra BG0000573 SCI/SAC v.2021
Zapadna Stara planina i Predbalkan BG0001040 SCI/SAC v.2021
Ezero Durankulak BG0000154 SCI/SAC v.2021
Derventski vazvishenia 2 BG0000219 SCI/SAC v.2021
Sakar BG0002021 SPA v.2021
Lomovete BG0002025 SPA v.2021
Zapadna Strandzha BG0002066 SPA v.2021
Provadiysko - Royaksko plato BG0000104 SCI/SAC v.2021
Harsovska reka BG0000106 SCI/SAC v.2021
Ludogorie BG0000168 SCI/SAC v.2021
Yazovir Ovcharitsa BG0002023 SPA v.2021
Dumbrăveni - Valea Urluia - Lacul Vederoasa ROSCI0071 SCI/SAC v.2021
Podișul Nord Dobrogean ROSCI0201 SCI/SAC v.2021
Persina BG0000396 SCI/SAC v.2021
Tsentralen Balkan BG0000494 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021


Name Type
UHAB(Union of hunters and anglers in Bulgaria), Bulgaria Participant
GreenBal(Green Balkans - Stara Zagora NGO), Bulgaria Participant
EKUT(Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), Germany Participant
HabFound(De Habitat Stichting / The Habitat Foundation), Netherlands Participant
SOR(Romanian Ornithological Society/BirdLife Romania), Romania Participant
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Coordinator