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Solution for CLIMAte change vulnerability/risk assessment and adaptation planning in large commercial ARCHItecture

Reference: LIFE20 CCA/PL/001573 | Acronym: LIFE Archiclima



Climate change brings new threats in the form of frequent extreme weather phenomena such as high temperatures, torrential rains, urban flash floods and violent storms. In many EU regions they have become the norm, and their frequency is gradually increasing.

Climate threats have a significant impact not only on natural ecosystems and agriculture, but also on infrastructure, including buildings. Construction legislation in many countries does not provide clear guidelines for designing structures that are resilient to extreme events. Most legislation is based on historical weather data and does not take into account extreme events. Significant financial, health and environmental costs are therefore being risked. A 2020 survey of more than 300 facility managers in Poland highlighted the new challenges that they face each year, such as flooding, droughts, heat waves and severe storms.

Large-scale commercial buildings (shopping centres, airports etc.) are particularly vulnerable to the expected future impacts of climate change due to the large size and the presence of large sealed parking lots. Also, they are often surrounded by areas of extremely low biodiversity. A high number of people, however, use such facilities, and it is therefore essential that they are adapted to climate change impacts.


The main objective of the LIFE Archiclimaproject is to increase the climate change resilience of large-scale commercial buildings (shopping centres, airports etc.) by developing and implementing the innovative Archiclima system, which comprises vulnerability/risk assessment, adaptation planning and the application of blue-green infrastructure and ecosystem-based approaches.

The project aim to carry out vulnerability/risk assessments on 32 large-scale commercial buildings across the EU, with particular focus on precipitation-related phenomena – i.e. torrential rains, urban floods, droughts, etc. It will also prepare climate adaptation plans for these sites that will include technical design (architecture, sanitary system, landscape, roads, etc.), management training, business plans and monitoring approaches. Demonstration adaptation activities will be carried out at the airport in Katowice.

Theproject is in line with the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change (COM(213)2016) especially in regards to resilience and the promotion of nature-based solutions for adaptation.


Expected results:

  • Implementation of adaptation measures (including selected blue-green infrastructure and ecosystem-based solutions) at the Katowice Airport; and
  • Drawing up of adaptation plans for 32 large facilities and their acceptance by the site managers.


Expected direct effects of adaptation plans accepted by site managers:

  • 10% increase in the bioretention area in facilities;
  • 2°C drop in temperature of surfaces  (defined as UHI) in the direct neighbourhood  as a result of planned activities;
  • 10°C decrease in surface temperature of green roofs/walls compared to asphalt covering during sunlight hours in summer;
  • Improved resilience to flash flooding in 31 shopping centres, benefitting more than 8m customers per month; and
  • Improved resilience to flash flooding in Katowice Airport, benefitting more than 4.5m passengers per year.

Expected impact on climate and environmental protection goals:

  • At least a 6% decrease in the estimated carbon footprint of the facility maintenance compared to business as usual scenario;
  • 5% decrease in energy consumption (3 kWh/m2/year);
  • 10% decrease in water consumption in the facility (16 990m3/y); and
  • At least a 10% increase in rainwater collection on the plot (169 906 m3/y); and
  • At least a 15% decrease in environmental use costs (e.g. rainwater tax, fees for area draining).





Reference: LIFE20 CCA/PL/001573
Acronym: LIFE Archiclima
Start Date: 01/07/2021
End Date: 30/12/2025
Total Eligible Budget: 2,314,306 €
EU Contribution: 1,272,868 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Investeko SA
Legal Status: PCO
Address: Wojska Polskiego 16G, 41-600, Swietochlowice,
Contact Person: Lukasz Lapinski
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

LIFE Project Map



  • Resilient communities
  • Green infrastructure
  • Urban design (urban-rural)


  • urban area
  • rain water
  • climate resilience
  • flood control
  • natural disaster
  • nature-based solutions
  • vulnerability assessment


  • COM(2013)216 - EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change (16.04.2013)


Name Type
Investeko SA Coordinator
IES(Investeko Serwis Sp. z o.o.), Poland Participant
EFOE(Europejskie Forum Odpowiedzialności Ekologicznej), Poland Participant
GTL(Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Lotnicze S.A.), Poland Participant