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Nature-based solutions to improve adaptation of forests to climate change

Reference: LIFE20 CCA/ES/001624 | Acronym: LIFE RedBosques_Clima



Forests are one of the ecosystems most sensitive to climate change. They are also one of the most important ecosystems in Europe, due to their size (the EU’s forest area covers about 42% of its territory), their diversity, their great economic importance and the wide range of ecosystem services they provide, including their important role in CO2 sequestration. Spain has almost 28 million ha of forest (nearly 55% of the national territory), with 27 different types of forest habitat of Community interest.

Although Europe's forest area has increased in recent decades, its situation is very fragile. The 2013-2018 assessment report on the conservation status of habitats and species of the Habitats Directive (Art. 17) states that 95% of Spanish forest habitats of Community interest have unfavourable conservation status, while in Europe this percentage is 78%. The same report points to inadequate forest management as the main factor in the pressure on and threat to Spanish and European forest habitats.


The overall objective of the LIFE RedBosques_Clima project is to achieve a greater capacity for adaptation to climate change in forests, promoting forestry with conservation objectives (promoting maturity, increasing heterogeneity and diversity) under the umbrella of ecosystem-based adaptation.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Promote good adaptation practices in forest management based on natural solutions through tools to facilitate their implementation;
  • Implement pilot actions that allow improvement in the adaptation capacity of various types of forest; and
  • Encourage the transferability of project results and promote their replication throughout the territory.

LIFE RedBosques_Clima will improve knowledge about the degree of effectiveness of forest adaptation measures and offer support instruments for decision-making. It is also a project of adaptation solutions based on ecosystems, with multiple benefits for the conservation of natural heritage and for the economy, as more resilient forests can support a more resilient economy. Thus LIFE RedBosques_Clima will contribute to implementation of the EU’s strategy on adaptation to climate change and the biodiversity strategy for 2030.


Expected results:

  • Network of reference stands: a network completed of 50 representative stands of situations of low vulnerability to climate change , of each forest type;
  • Online tool for assessing the vulnerability of forests;
  • Quality standard for forest adaptation actions: protocol for the design, execution and evaluation of adaptation measures in forests;
  • Management plan with adaptation objectives, for the configuration of a resilient mosaic in 500 ha;
  • Adaptation actions implemented in 14 ha of Mediterranean forest;
  • Improved adaptation capacity in 80 ha of afforestation;
  • Restoration of forest habitats of Community interest in 174 ha;
  • Ecological monitoring plan to quantify the effectiveness of adaptation measures; and
  • 10 000 new hectares under management plans with adaptation objectives.


Reference: LIFE20 CCA/ES/001624
Acronym: LIFE RedBosques_Clima
Start Date: 01/09/2021
End Date: 31/08/2025
Total Eligible Budget: 1,569,661 €
EU Contribution: 863,313 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Fundación interuniversitaria Fernando González Bernáldez para los espacios naturales
Legal Status: PNC
Address: C/José Antonio Novais 12, Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Biología (UCM), 28040, Madrid,
Contact Person: Marta Múgica
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

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  • Natural resources and ecosystems
  • Forests
  • Sensitive and protected areas management


  • habitat
  • forest management
  • climate change adaptation


  • COM(2013)216 - EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change (16.04.2013)
  • COM(2011) 244 final “Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020” (03.05.2011)


Name Type
Fundación interuniversitaria Fernando González Bernáldez para los espacios naturales Coordinator
GenCat(Generalitat de Catalunya. Departamento de Territorio y Sostenibilidad. Dirección General de Políticas Ambientales), Spain Participant
VAERSA(VAERSA, Valenciana d'Aprofitament Energètic de Residus S.A.), Spain Participant
DGMNB(Consejería de Desarrollo Sostenible. Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha), Spain Participant
GVA(Generalitat Valenciana/ Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica.), Spain Participant