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Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy for the Malopolska Region

Reference: LIFE19 IPC/PL/000005 | Acronym: LIFE-IP EKOMALOPOLSKA



A major global challenge is to reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG). In 2018, the European Commission published a Communication Clean Planet for All which provided a strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral EU economy by 2050. Its targets included a 32.5% increase in energy efficiency, a 32.5% share for renewable energy sources, and a 55% reduction in GHG emissions. Achieving these goals, especially reducing GHG emissions, will be a challenge for Poland due to the fact that more than 80% of the primary energy production is from fossil fuels, primarily coal. In the Maopolska Region around 80% of the energy generated comes from coal, the remaining 20% from high-methane gas and biomass. Household heating is based on widespread use of inefficient coal boilers, while poor energy performance of buildings adds to high CO2 emissions from the residential sector. Similarly, the other sectors transport, agriculture, industry - are also based on fossil fuels. The total amount of CO2 emissions from sources located in the Malopolska Region is estimated at 15 million Mg/year. To enable the reduction of GHG emissions from the Maopolska Region, in February 2020 the Management Board of the Maopolska Region adopted the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy (RAPCE), to support the low-carbon transition of the region and mobilise public and private funds. The overarching objective of the RAPCE is to contribute to achieving the EU goals for 2030, i.e. at least a 40% cut in GHG emissions (from 1990 levels), at least a 32% share for renewable energy, at least a 32.5% improvement in energy efficiency, and to strive for climate neutrality by 2050 (i.e. economy with net-zero GHG emissions). The Plan focuses on six areas of intervention (according to the 2050 long-term strategy): energy, construction, transport, agriculture, industry and waste, land-use change, and forestry.


The objective of the LIFE-IP EKOMALOPOLSKA project is to support the full implementation of the Maopolska Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy (RAPCE). The project also aims to eliminate barriers that hinder the achievement of the Plans priorities.

The specific objectives of the project include:

  • Mobilisation of available EU and domestic funds, as well as private resources, for priority actions identified in the RAPCE;
  • Development of institutional capacity, know-how and tools to strengthen the implementation of the RAPCE, Polish National Energy and Climate Plan, and the European Green Deal in Poland;
  • Low-carbon transformation of the heating appliance market and related green job creation;
  • Wide-scale change of behavioural attitudes in order to secure extensive support and involvement in climate protection measures;
  • Transfer of good practices to other Polish and European regions;
  • Establishment of a network of 21 advisory centres on climate and energy (ACE) at the sub-regional level to eliminate the barriers created by very low institutional capacity and insufficient governance in the area of climate policies (mitigation and adaptation) at the poviat andmunicipal level;
  • Creation of a regional-level Excellence Centre to provide training and knowledge for the local authorities in Malopolska and other regions;
  • Creation of 20 600 green jobs in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors, and removal of renewables development bottlenecks through training programmes; and
  • Social and educational campaigns to promote general climate awareness.
  • The project contributes to the implementation of EU climate policy, including A Clean Planet for all (COM(2018) 773); the Commission Decision (EU 2020/2126) setting out the annual emission allocations of the Member States for the period from 2021 to 2030 pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/842, to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal.

    The total additional complementary funds mobilised is planned to be around 1 billion, including 300 million from Just Transition Fund, 300 million under the Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027, and 300 million from other sources: the Clean Air Programme, Mj Prd/My Electricity Programme, local and regional programmes supported by the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, and private funds.


    Expected results:

  • GHG emission reduction will be greater in Malopolska than in other regions in Poland and will drop at least 30% (compared to 2018) by 2030 (40% compared to 1990);
  • The share of renewable energy sources (RES) by 2030 will amount to at least 32.5% of the final energy consumption in the region, while energy efficiency will increase by at least 32.5% (compared to 1990);
  • At least 1 000 stakeholders will actively use a knowledge base under the Excellence Centre created within the project;
  • Improved skills of installers and designers will result in better quality of RES installations and wider accessibility to RES services in the whole country (16 regions);
  • Integrated approach towards climate change and energy planning issues will be disseminated to all poviats and municipalities in Poland;
  • Local climate protection institutional capacity will substantially increase by establishment of the advisors on climate and environment network in 21 poviats; Poviats will gain competences to help municipalities in conducting climate change mitigation and adaptation measures and to implement the tasks of the RAPCE; and
  • Poviats and municipalities from Malopolska will be actively involved in preparation and consultation of the update of RAPCE in 2021/2022 and subsequent years.

    Reference: LIFE19 IPC/PL/000005
    Start Date: 01/01/2021
    End Date: 31/12/2030
    Total Eligible Budget: 16,407,518 €
    EU Contribution: 9,844,510 €


    Coordinating Beneficiary: Malopolska Region
    Legal Status: PUBLIC
    Contact Person: Justyna Mazurkiewicz
    Email: Send Email
    Website: Visit Website

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    • Renewable energies
    • Energy efficiency
    • GHG reduction in EU ETS sectors
    • Knowledge development
    • Awareness raising - Information


    • emission reduction
    • climate protection
    • greenhouse gas
    • climate action plan
    • climate change mitigation


    • COM(2013)216 - EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change (16.04.2013)


    Name Type
    Wadowicki poviat-Poland Participant
    AGH University of Science and Technology-Poland Participant
    Foundation European Clean Air Centre Participant
    Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg-Germany Participant
    Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment-Germany Participant
    City of Krakow-Poland Participant
    City of Nowy Sacz-Poland Participant
    City of Tarnow-Poland Participant
    Brzeski poviat-Poland Participant
    Chrzanowski poviat-Poland Participant
    Dabrowski poviat-Poland Participant
    Gorlicki poviat-Poland Participant
    Krakowski poviat-Poland Participant
    Limanowski poviat-Poland Participant
    Miechowski poviat-Poland Participant
    Myslenicki poviat-Poland Participant
    Nowotarski poviat-Poland Participant
    Nowosadecki poviat-Poland Participant
    Olkuski poviat-Poland Participant
    Proszowicki poviat-Poland Participant
    Suski poviat-Poland Participant
    Tarnowski poviat-Poland Participant
    Silesian Region-Poland Participant