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Sustainabilisation of forests and soils and valorisation of the achieved ecosystem services in the county of Landsberg

Reference: LIFE19 ENV/DE/000123 | Acronym: LIFE FutureForest



Forest and soil ecosystems are under increasing pressure due to direct human activities and the effects of climate change. Through sustainable soil management and protection, the performance and resilience of key ecosystem services (e.g. forest biomass production, carbon storage, cooling, biodiversity, drinking water filtration and retention) can be considerably improved. Soil protection in the Alpine region was initiated by the Soil Conservation Protocol (SCP) of the Alpine Convention (www.alpconv.org), which aims to safeguard the multifunctional role of soil based on the concept of sustainable development. In the light of changing climate conditions, softwood forests will lose several ecosystem services. Decreasing water availability represents a serious threat to European softwood forests (mostly spruce) due to their shallow roots. Forest deterioration has severe consequences for the socioeconomics of affected areas, including reduced wood quality and vulnerability to the bark beetle. The county of Landsberg in Germany is already facing decreasing wood prices in the last five years. Due to the lack of a fine root system, as compared to hardwood forests, the soil is poorly aerated and thus a poor basis for biodiversity potential, especially for earthworms. The decreasing groundwater table in the area aggravates this problem. Degraded soils also lose relevant water retention and filtering functions. In recent years, the city of Landsberg am Lech bought additional drinking water from neighbouring municipalities for the first time in history and faced the threat of decreasing drinking water quality. There is also a general lack of awareness and readiness for implementation measures, a lack of convincing socioeconomic models for valorising the ecosystem services delivered by forests, soil and water, and a lack of capacities to bring different sectors together.


LIFE FutureForest focuses on the interconnection between forest and soil ecosystem services. It aims to demonstrate practices at local and regional level on how to prevent the deterioration of soil and forest quality, and how to develop and maintain sustainable forestry. The overarching objective is to contribute to the EU-wide acceptance, mainstreaming and implementation of sustainable forestry and soil protection policies. This also includes linking environmental upgrades in the wood sector and their valorisation through other sectors and the establishment of a sustainable economic cycle at local level.

The project is embedded in a wider initiative: The Alpine Soils Partnership (part of the European and Global Soil Partnership and founded within the Interreg B project Links4Soils), which provides practical assistance to the implementation of policy at local level. LIFE FutureForest will demonstrate that pilot actions in the project area in Bavaria (Germany) can augment a functioning, sustainable and thereby climate-resilient socioeconomic cycle, while taking advantage ofthe multiple benefits of connected ecosystem services.

Specific objectives are to: 1) Contribute to a EU-wide ecological restructuring of forests through local actions focusing on different stages: afforestation, maintenance, and harvesting; 2) Contribute to the measuring and valorisation of the following ecosystem services: wood quantity and quality by means of a sustainable development of forests and soil, increased soil quality through better aeration, increased biodiversity by actions to encourage earthworms and other organisms that help to create and maintain rich soils, increased forest water retention capacity through the introduction of suitable hardwood species, increased carbon storage capacity and a measurable increase of fine roots, and increased availability and quality of drinking water for the region; 3) A better understanding of the multiple socioeconomic benefits through a cross-sectoral valorisation of ecosystem services; and 4) Anchoring these established sustainable socioeconomic cycles in a wider network for further proliferation and replication.


Expected results:

  • Increase of the area with continuous sustainable forest management through appropriate maintenance measures in the county of Landsberg by 450 ha;
  • Increase of the area made available for future sustainable forest management measures by 50 ha;
  • Increase of the amount of fine roots for improved carbon storage capacity in the demonstration area by 24 tons/ha;
  • Increase in the amount of earthworms in the demonstration areas as indicators for improved aeration and biodiversity by at least 20 per m2 in the newly converted areas;
  • Increase in the number of inhabitants with improved quality of life through improved drinkingwater retention, cooling and soil quality;
  • Increase in the number of upgraded jobs through integration of sustainable forest practices and valorisation systems for integration of ecosystem services into the socioeconomic cycle of municipalities;
  • 930 entities and their representatives made aware of the multiple benefits of ecosystem services for each sector;
  • All 31 municipalities in the county area receive concrete orientation through climate-relevant information; and
  • EU-wide networks of municipalities and regions reached and their awareness of sustainable forest and soil management options at municipal and county level increased.

    Reference: LIFE19 ENV/DE/000123
    Acronym: LIFE FutureForest
    Start Date: 01/09/2020
    End Date: 30/06/2024
    Total Eligible Budget: 1,403,000 €
    EU Contribution: 711,698 €


    Coordinating Beneficiary: County Administration Landsberg a. Lech
    Legal Status: PAT
    Address: Von-Khlmann-Strae 15, 86899, Landsberg am Lech,
    Contact Person: Rainer Mahl
    Email: Send Email
    Website: Visit Website

    LIFE Project Map



    • Natural resources and ecosystems
    • Resource efficiency
    • Agriculture - Forestry
    • Forest management


    • forest ecosystem
    • forestry
    • forest management
    • information system
    • climate change adaptation
    • climate resilience
    • land use


    • COM(2013)659 - A new EU Forest Strategy: for forests and the forest-based sector (20.09.2013)


    Name Type
    HSWT(University Weihenstephan-Triesdorf), Germany Participant
    StadtL(City Landsberg am Lech), Germany Participant