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Conservation of the Azorian bullfinch, Pyrrhula murina

Reference: LIFE94 NAT/P/001032



The Azorean bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina) is an endemic bird found only in the Azorean archipelago. Its last surviving refuge is on the Island of S. Miguel where it lives in the natural laurel forests of the Pico da Vara (a Birds Directive special protection area – SPA – within the Natura 2000 network).
Detailed research into this species in the 1990s revealed that its population was around 80 to 150 pairs. Although the adults are rather sedentary, juveniles had been spotted in the Vale das Furnas, a site of previous distribution on the island. Over the last century numbers fell dramatically as a result of the degradation and disappearance of the laurel forests. The current status of this species and its natural habitat called for immediate intervention to try and reverse these trends.


The main purpose of the project was to begin the recovery and the enlargement of the native forest in order to stimulate the expansion of the Azores bullfinch population.
As part of the project, actions would be taken to manage the forests for their conservation benefit and to control invading species. This would include planting new areas with young trees grown in a nursery to help expand the range of laurel forest habitat. Because the area has very steep slopes, tree felling and planting would have to be done manually with the help of the latest scientific techniques and a large stock of tree seedlings from the nurseries.
The Azores bullfinch population would be monitored and information campaigns, brochures and press releases would take place in order to provide information about the species and its habitat.


The beneficiary succeeded in implementing numerous habitat recovery measures for the Azores bullfinch.
- A total of 2 64.9 Kg of native species seed (Prunus lusitanica ssp. Azorica and Vaccinium cylindraceum, Ilex perado spp. azoric) were collected, far exceeding the 100 kg that had been foreseen. Seed from some other species were also collected (namely, Juniperus brevifollia, Viburnum tinus spp. subcordatum , Picconia azorica and Persea indica) and a total of 27 862 seedlings produced – again more than had been foreseen (the project’s target was 20 000 seedlings).
- The project resulted in the management and restoration of 11 ha of laurel forest habitat and the planting 11 420 native plants in the field. The beneficiary also removed all exotic species (e.g., Hedychium gardnerianum) in study areas except those that could be used by the Azores bullfinch as a food source (e.g. Leicesteria formosa, Polygonum capitatum and Rubus sp).
- Continuous monitoring of the Azores bullfinch population by the project indicated that although there was a slight increase in the bullfinch population in 1995 (namely attributable to good weather conditions) that in 1996 the population decreased by 50% (namely due to adverse weather conditions). Although the project did not achieve a recovery of the Azores bullfinch, it did contribute significantly towards the recovery of the habitat of this highly endangered bird.
- Another important achievement of the project was the involvement of young people through the work done with the schools. The project’s information campaign included working with schools through a conference and field trip that was integrated in the curricula of one of the schools of the São Miguel island; in the same school an environmental club called “Amigos do Priôlo” (Friends of the Azores Bullfinch) was created. Awareness raising outputs furthermore included the publication of a booklet on the bullfinch and the native forest, media coverage on the booklet and press releases.The beneficiary succeeded in implementing numerous habitat recovery measures for the Azores bullfinch.
- A total of 2 64.9 Kg of native species seed (Prunus lusitanica ssp. Azorica and Vaccinium cylindraceum, Ilex perado spp. azoric) were collected, far exceeding the 100 kg that had been foreseen. Seed from some other species were also collected (namely, Juniperus brevifollia, Viburnum tinus spp. subcordatum , Picconia azorica and Persea indica) and a total of 27 862 seedlings produced – again more than had been foreseen (the project’s target was 20 000 seedlings).
- The project resulted in the management and restoration of 11 ha of laurel forest habitat and the planting 11 420 native plants in the field. The beneficiary also removed all exotic species (e.g., Hedychium gardnerianum) in study areas except those that could be used by the Azores bullfinch as a food source (e.g. Leicesteria formosa, Polygonum capitatum and Rubus sp).
- Continuous monitoring of the Azores bullfinch population by the project indicated that although there was a slight increase in the bullfinch population in 1995 (namely attributable to good weather conditions) that in 1996 the population decreased by 50% (namely due to adverse weather conditions). Although the project did not achieve a recovery of the Azores bullfinch, it did contribute significantly towards the recovery of the habitat of this highly endangered bird.
- Another important achievement of the project was the involvement of young people through the work done with the schools. The project’s information campaign included working with schools through a conference and field trip that was integrated in the curricula of one of the schools of the São Miguel island; in the same school an environmental club called “Amigos do Priôlo” (Friends of the Azores Bullfinch) was created. Awareness raising outputs furthermore included the publication of a booklet on the bullfinch and the native forest, media coverage on the booklet and press releases.


Reference: LIFE94 NAT/P/001032
Start Date: 01/11/1994
End Date: 30/11/1996
Total Eligible Budget: 0 €
EU Contribution: 350,000 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Direcção Regional dos Recursos Florestais
Legal Status: OTHER
Address: Largo de Camoes, n° 38, 9500, PONTA DELGADA,



  • Birds
  • Forests


  • forest ecosystem
  • public awareness campaign
  • island
  • restoration measure
  • endemic species
  • environmental education
  • protected area
  • reforestation


  • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)
  • Directive 79/409 - Conservation of wild birds (02.04.1979)


  • 0 - Non applicable (i.e.species project)


  • Pyrrhula murina
  • Picconia azorica


Code Name Type Version
Pico da Vara / Ribeira do Guilherme - Ilha de S. Miguel PTZPE0033 SPA v.2021


Name Type
Direcção Regional dos Recursos Florestais Coordinator