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Conservation of endangered species in priority areas of Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre: Western Iberia, Bahía de Santander and montaña pasiega

Reference: LIFE20 NGO4GD/ES/000027 | Acronym: PRIORITY AREAS



FNYH has carried out numerous projects focused on the conservation of natural heritage and on nature-based rural development in Spain as well as further afield. Most of these have targeted three priority areas: Western Iberian (Castilla y León and Extremadura, Spain), Green Belt of the Bay of Santander (Cantabria, Spain) and Montaña Pasiega (Cantabria and Castilla y León, Spain).

Although three distant areas, they share certain problems:

  • Structural simplification of their agroforestry systems, related to an intensification of their use;
  • Lack of commitment of civil society to the conservation of natural heritage;
  • Presence of threatened species; and
  • Absence of actions aimed at adapting to climate change and mitigating its consequences.

The activities included in the project are ones that FNYH carries out annually in its three priority areas. All recent conservation works are followed up and their impact monitored.


The main aim is to introduce a system of captive breeding of endangered species ahead of reinforcing populations in areas where actions have been carried out to improve conditions for the species.

Specifically, the PRIORITY AREAS project aims to:

  • Foster cooperation with all relevant stakeholders to improve the management and conservation of important sites in FNYH’s priority areas, by creating a forum to address conservation management of the area, establishing management agreements, land stewardship and the creation of reserves, which will sustain the implementation of key actions.
  • Ensure the conservation of endangered species through in-situ and ex-situ actions in FNYH's priority areas, in line with the targets of the European Green Deal, especially the thematic areas, ‘Farm to fork’ and ‘Biodiversity and ecosystems’.
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of FNYH facilities in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, especially the thematic area ‘Energy and resource efficient buildings’.
  • Engage and empower civil society in nature conservation through the dissemination of results and environmental education, as well as actions that involve the private sector, such as the signing of land stewardship agreements and the creation of private reserves.


Expected results:

  • At least one new voluntary private reserve created in Western Iberia through a land stewardship agreement.
  • Release of 100 wild rabbits.
  • Creation of a breeding colony of rock pigeons.
  • Release of 50 red-legged partridges.
  • Construction of 10 refuges for prey species.
  • Planting of leguminous plants and grasses in at least 5 ha.
  • Adaptation and/or conditioning of six pre-spawning fences.
  • Four nesting platforms built for Iberian imperial eagles.
  • Application of silvopastoral management techniques in 20 ha.
  • Planting of a minimum of 1 100 seedlings.
  • Release of around 300 fry in the ponds or temporary ponds.
  • Construction of two ponds for amphibians in the upper basin of the Miera River.
  • Release of around 2 750 to 3 000 eels (around 0.8-0.9 kg of eels).
  • Establishment of an ex-situ breeding programme for European pond turtles.
  • Installation of photovoltaic panels in Centro Etnobotánico Bosques del Anillo Verde-El Pendo, Casa de la Naturaleza Humedales del Anillo Verde-Marismas de Alday and Ecomuseo-Fluviarium de la Montaña y Cuencas Fluviales Pasiegas.
  • 30 breeding pairs detected.
  • 15 000 kg of animal by-products not intended for human consumption (SANDACH).
  • 8 breeding pairs detected.
  • Removal of invasive fern in at least two temporary ponds in farms with land stewardships agreements (around 500 kg of vegetative material).
  • Two water analyses for each pond included in the work area.
  • Creation of corporate image.
  • Celebration of five volunteer days.


Reference: LIFE20 NGO4GD/ES/000027
Start Date: 01/09/2021
End Date: 28/02/2023
Total Eligible Budget: 300,000 €
EU Contribution: 180,000 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre
Legal Status: NGO
Contact Person: Carlos Sánchez Martínez
Email: Send Email

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  • Awareness raising - Information
  • Public and Stakeholders participation
  • Birds
  • Amphibians
  • Fish
  • Renewable energies
  • Sensitive and protected areas management
  • Invasive species
  • Ecological coherence
  • High Nature Value farmland
  • Forests
  • Freshwater
  • Marine
  • Agriculture - Forestry
  • Forest management
  • Mammals
  • Reptiles


  • freshwater ecosystem
  • introduction of animal species
  • Agriculture
  • biodiversity
  • environmental awareness
  • monitoring system
  • public-private partnership
  • forest ecosystem
  • nature conservation
  • voluntary work
  • habitat restoration
  • management plan
  • invasive species
  • restoration measure
  • renewable energy
  • aquatic ecosystem
  • ecological assessment
  • endangered species
  • agroforestry
  • multidisciplinary cooperation
  • voluntary agreement


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Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre Coordinator