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Conservation and restoration of relict Taxus baccata woods

Reference: LIFE20 NAT/ES/001128 | Acronym: LIFE Teixeres



Mediterranean Taxus baccata woods is a Natura 2000 priority habitat (9580*) of an extremely reduced extension with severe conservation problems. Yew (Taxus baccata) woods are relict formations that are in severe decline all over their distribution range. The European Environment Agency shows that its current conservation status, “structures and functions” and “future prospect” in the Mediterranean biogeographical region is U2 (‘Unfavourable-bad’). In the Valencian region, yew woods are located in the highest Mediterranean mountains, occupying the wettest ravines and the bases of slopes facing north, often in rocky areas. These forests barely exceed one hectare and, for the most part, they are interpreted as the remains of bigger yew communities, progressively reduced and destroyed by a combination of human actions and climate change. The current main threats are: 1) very small, dispersed and fragmented habitat spots; 2) low seed productivity and seedling recruitment;3) herbivory and trampling by both domestic and wild ruminants; 4) climate change, and 5) wildfires. The small cover and fragmented distribution are the result of historic human activities over recent centuries, like soil transformation into agriculture and rangeland, forest uses and overgrazing. Until the 1980s, eliminating the understory and non-productive woody species as competence to the productive species was a common forest management practice. In addition, the abandonment of marginal mountainous lands during the past century allowed a fast development of the forest cover, generating very high densities that competed for resources with the yew habitat and increased forest fire risk.


The main objective of the LIFE Teixeres project is to improve the conservation status of the ‘Mediterranean Taxus baccata woods’ habitat and its resilience capacity to the main threats. The project will take place in 10 Natura 2000 sites where the habitat type is present, distributed in 84 spots and with an extension of 130 ha.

To achieve these targets, the project will:

  • Increase habitat cover of small yew stands through reintroductions and/or reinforcements of existing populations to establish the minimum viable population in the most compromised localities;
  • Reduce habitat fragmentation by implementing actions in suitable sites (following historical data, current distribution and ecological ranges of the species, distance from the nearest natural populations);
  • Reduce competition through forest management. Many of the sites have been abandoned following human management and colonised by pioneer tree species. The reduction of their density and biomass will have as a secondary benefit the increase of forest fire resistance;
  • Passive defence measures may consist in reduction of herbivory and trampling of big ruminants by fences or by individual plant protectors;
  • Germplasm collection and storage in the seed banks at CIEF (Valencia);
  • Plant production in nurseries;
  • Knowledge updating by a monitoring programme of the target areas and habitat, which will include preliminary assessments and monitoring during all stages of the project. This will be supported by maps and field data of plant and animal communities living in the target habitat as well as climatic conditions registered by local data weather stations;
  • Communication via social media and websites; project information leaflets and newsletters; technical reports and scientific papers; dissemination at local and international events of the project aims and key issues related to the native flora conservation and Natura 2000 network. These events will be open to local inhabitants and key stakeholders; and
  • Sensitisation campaigns addressed to key stakeholders (e.g. forest owners, mountain sport organisations, conservation and volunteering NGOs) to reduce habitat pressures.

The project is in line with the EU Habitats Directive, EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the EU Green Deal, and the new Forest Strategy, by restoring the target habitat, increasing the quantity of forests, and improving their health and resilience.


Expected results:

  • A report with the indicators as well as the methodology to measure them. Stakeholders will be identified and involved;
  • Delivery of project plans for the conservation actions;
  • 230 ha of improved habitat type through forestry treatments that will reduce competition of native and introduced tree species, and at least 10 ha of habitat protected from herbivores;
  • 6 seed lots of Taxus baccata and, at least, 1 lot of 10 other accompanying species of the habitat types. 12 living Taxus collections installed, at least one per SCI. Each of these clonal orchards will include around 100 seed-producing female yews and 20 male trees for pollination, and will be on average 0.5 ha;
  • At least 28 000 plants of 37 different species for transplanting (some species specific to the site, others common all over the project area);
  • Habitat restored by reconstituting the adequate species composition through the plantation of 23 000 plants. The rest will be used for replanting and environmental education activities;
  • A report on the evaluation of habitat improvement and at least one scientific paper;
  • Assessment of the quality of collected seed lots;
  • Reports on the impact of dissemination activities, the project’s global success, and the socio-economic impact;
  • At least 3 technical seminars in Valencia. Organisation of one international congress to coincide with the GENMEDA biannual general congress focused on the conservation of the yew habitat in the Mediterranean, and the production of a best practice manual; and
  • Networking activities to exchange information, experiences and good practices with similar LIFE projects and institutions.


Reference: LIFE20 NAT/ES/001128
Acronym: LIFE Teixeres
Start Date: 30/09/2021
End Date: 31/12/2026
Total Eligible Budget: 2,406,410 €
EU Contribution: 1,804,807 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Generalitat Valenciana/ Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica.
Legal Status: PAT
Address: C/ de la DEMOCRACIA 77; Cdad Adva. 9 d'Octubre -Torre 1 - Planta 3, 46018, Valencia,
Contact Person: Emilio Laguna Lumbreas
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

LIFE Project Map



  • Plants
  • Forests


  • forest ecosystem


  • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)
  • COM(2013)659 - A new EU Forest Strategy: for forests and the forest-based sector (20.09.2013)
  • COM(2011) 244 final “Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020” (03.05.2011)


  • 9580 - Mediterranean Taxus baccata woods


Code Name Type Version
Tinença de Benifassà, Turmell i Vallivana ES5233001 SCI/SAC v.2021
Puebla de San Miguel ES5233006 SCI/SAC v.2021
Serres del Ferrer i Bèrnia ES5213020 SCI/SAC v.2021
Serres de Mariola i el Carrascar de la Font Roja ES0000213 SCI/SAC v.2021
Penyagolosa ES5223004 SCI/SAC v.2021
Aitana, Serrella i Puigcampana ES5213019 SCI/SAC v.2021
Serra d'Espadà ES5222001 SCI/SAC v.2021
Sierra del Negrete ES5233009 SCI/SAC v.2021
Alt Palància ES5223005 SCI/SAC v.2021
L'Alt Maestrat ES5223002 SCI/SAC v.2021


Name Type
Generalitat Valenciana/Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica Coordinator
VAERSA(Valenciana d'Aprofitament Energètic de Residus S.A.), Spain Participant