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Process water treatment unit for better river basin management

Reference: LIFE20 ENV/BG/001042 | Acronym: LIFE WATEROIL



Operating in the Black Sea district, LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas JSC (LNB) is dependent on the freshwater resources of the Mandra Dam. The local wastewater treatment facility enables the area to meet the requirements for wastewater discharges in line with the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control permit. Over the coming years, however, the EU regulatory framework will introduce stricter standards, creating a risk of non-compliance with discharge and odour limits. Currently, LNB does not have the technological ability to improve the facility’s operations.


The LIVE WATEROIL project aims to demonstrate a sustainable water treatment approach of relevance to high water-demanding industries. The goal is to decrease the emission of pollutants and improve the ecological condition of the Mandra-Poda water basin through exploitation of alternative water sources and the application of a more effective wastewater processing technology. Furthermore, the project aims to show the viability of substituting fresh water with treated water.

Specifically, the project aims to:

  • Introduce and optimise a novel integrated concept for alternative water supply, pertinent to the crude oil desalting stage, through establishing conditions for recirculation and reuse of stripped water;
  • Optimise and demonstrate the feasibility of a new wastewater treatment process based on the (i) application of enzyme-microbiological bioactivators to degrade and neutralise compounds (H2S, mercaptans, dissolved hydrocarbons) and the (ii) establishment of closed environment for transportation of sulphide-containing wastewaters through construction of a closed pipeline, which will replace the existing non-hermetic scheme;
  • Ensure better oxygen uptake and more effective processing in the WWTP of the compounds that were not evaporated from the wastewater stream through reconstruction of the biobasins aeration system; and
  • Encourage the replication of the project solution and its application in other refineries and other sectors such as pulp production, waste treatment and chemicals.

The project supports the implementation of Water Framework Directive at the pilot location and will provide recommendations for the third cycle of national WFD reporting and the drawing up of river basin management plans for Bulgaria. It also contributes to the EU Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas Best Available Techniques Reference document, along with the implementation of the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive.



Expected results:

  • The full-scale implementation of the solution leading to multiple reductions compared to the current treatment process;
  • Significant freshwater savings, reduced pressure on the protected area, and a substantial decrease in harmful emissions to the air, soil and water. (The new treatment facility will minimise the loss of around 420 000 m3 of water a year, 8 400 MWh electric energy/year and 400 tonnes of fuel gas, while saving 1 200 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year);
  • The optimisation of the scheme of acid technological condensates, along with the reduction of the content of hydrogen sulphide and ammonia in supplied water by more than 90% -- leading to reduced amount of emitted pollutants by 9 kg/hour (75.1 tonnes/year);
  • The utilisation of the hot stripped water, resulting in increased value creation, sustainable growth and enhanced competitiveness of the company (due to reduced production costs; more effective addition of biologically active reagents; destroyed emulsion and increased safety for subsequent distillation processes; better drainage; water quality control; improved quality of the desalinated oil in line with the expected minimisation of the NaOH neutraliser; increased reliability in refining all types of crude oil and decreased consumption of fuel gas in the furnaces attributable to the raised temperature of the oil); and
  • Better and safer working conditions for the personnel, job creation and opportunities for continuous learning (trainings, seminars and international travel), as well as improvement of the living conditions for the local community.


Reference: LIFE20 ENV/BG/001042
Start Date: 01/09/2021
End Date: 31/08/2024
Total Eligible Budget: 2,486,820 €
EU Contribution: 1,367,751 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas
Legal Status: PCO
Address: 8104, Republic of Bulgaria, Burgas., 8104, Burgas,
Contact Person: Venelin Marinov
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

LIFE Project Map



  • Water resources protection
  • Water quality improvement
  • Water saving
  • Waste water treatment


  • water resource management
  • water saving
  • water quality improvement
  • waste water treatment


  • COM(2011) 244 final “Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020” (03.05.2011)
  • Directive 79/409 - Conservation of wild birds (02.04.1979)
  • Directive 2000/60 - Framework for Community action in the field of water policy (23.10.2000)
  • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)


Name Type
BM(Municipality of Burgas), Bulgaria Participant
FTS(University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov" - Burgas, Faculty of Technical Sciences), Bulgaria Participant
Eurovix(Eurovix S.p.A), Italy Participant
LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas Coordinator