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MW-scale green hydrogen production plant to decarbonize the treatment of meat residuals in Spain

Reference: LIFE20 CCM/ES/001694 | Acronym: LIFE CABEZO GREENH2



The use of fossil fuels to meet the world’s primary energy demand has not changed over the past 25 years. Systems largely based on fossil fuels have yet to be replaced by efficient and renewable low-carbon ones.

The Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) has been adapted to meet the demands of the EU 2030 Climate and Energy Framework, increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the EU energy mix to at least 27% by 2030 and to 65% by 2050. Variable renewable energy, especially wind and solar, will comprise 60% of all electricity generation, and  power system must be flexible to accommodate such change.

The project’s target product, hydrogen (H2), is recognised by the EU Renewable Directive as one of the most sustainable fuels, with greenhouse gas savings over a whole lifecycle of more than 90% compared to fossil fuels. Green H2 could play an important role in energy transition from a technical perspective: H2 could allow large amounts of renewable energy to be channelled into sectors for which electrification (and hence decarbonisation) is otherwise difficult, such as the transport, construction and industrial sectors.


Today, one-third of global energy-related emissions come from economic sectors for which there are presently no economic alternative to fossil fuels. These emissions originate mostly from the energy-intensive industrial sectors and freight transport. The industrial sector is one the largest consumers of energy, accounting for a quarter of Europe’s energy consumption.

The treatment of meat residuals is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. RESIDUOS ARAGON emits around 11 500 tonnes of CO2eq emissions per year. The process is very energy intensive, as it requires significant amounts of steam. However, by integrating a 5% volume of hydrogen (H2) in the natural gas consumption it is possible to reduce emissions by up to 170 tonnes of CO2eq/year in this industrial process step while maintaining its competitiveness. Further reductions of CO2 emissions of up to 20% are possible by either substituting or modernising equipment.


LIFE CABEZO GREENH2 aims to reduce CO2 emissions by replacing natural gas used as a fuel in the meat residual treatment with renewable H2, deploying sector-coupling applications. For this purpose, a H2 production plant based on a water electrolysis technology will be installed in Muel (Zaragoza), a major industrial area in Spain. It will be connected directly to the 23.3 MW capacity Cabezo wind farm. The facility is expected to produce more than 100 tonnes of green H2 per year, which will be used in the decarbonisation of the local industry. Furthermore, the oxygen produced as by-product from the electrolysis process will be used by local metal companies.

The project is in line with the EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy framework and the European Green Deal since it reduces GHG emissions and enhances the use of renewable energy in industries. The project also complies with the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030 by contributing to reduce GHG emissions.


Expected results:

  • The demonstration of the production of green H2 by renewable energies and its industrial use. (An estimated 100 tonnes/year of green H2 will be produced);
  •  The reduction of up to 170 tonnes of CO2eq/year (for a LNG (liquefied natural gas) consumption of 63.4 GWhHHV/year); and
  • Reduction of energy consumption by more than 900 MWhHHV/year (for an LNG consumption of 63.4 GWhHHV/year and 5% volume of green H2 in the natural gas stream).



Reference: LIFE20 CCM/ES/001694
Start Date: 01/07/2021
End Date: 31/05/2023
Total Eligible Budget: 4,561,956 €
EU Contribution: 2,509,072 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: Enagás Renovable
Legal Status: PCO
Address: Paseo de los Olmos, 19, 28005, Madrid,
Contact Person: Monica Sanchez Delgado
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

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  • Renewable energies
  • GHG reduction in non EU ETS sectors


  • energy production
  • renewable energy
  • hydrogen


  • COM(2014)15 - Policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030 (22.01.2014)
  • COM(2011)885 - EU 2050 Energy Roadmap (15.12.2011)
  • COM(2011)112 - "A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050" (08.03.2011)
  • COM(2020) 301: A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe
  • COM(2019) 640 final Communication-The European Green Deal 
  • Directive 2009/28 - Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (23.04.2009)


Name Type
LOONIT(LOONIT SRL), Belgium Participant
Falck(Falck Renewables Spa), Italy Participant
RS(RESIDUOS ARAGON SL), Spain Participant
ENAGÁS, S.A. Participant