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Financing Cities Adaptation to Climate Change through Public-Private Partnerships and Corporate Social Responsibility

Reference: LIFE19 CCA/ES/001209 | Acronym: LIFE CITYAdaP3



Around 1 726 municipalities from 26 EU Member States have joined the Mayors Adapt initiative or the new Covenant of Mayors (CoM) for Climate & Energy. From these, 873 have submitted Action Plans including adaptation targets by 2019. However, these efforts will only produce results if they are accompanied by adaptation actions on the ground. Local authorities identified the lack of financial resources as the main barrier to an effective implementation of climate change adaptation planning.


The main objective of LIFE CITYAdaP3 is to mobilise financial resources for urban climate change adaptation by engaging with the European private sector. The project team will do this in two ways: i) through the development of public-private cooperation schemes between companies and local authorities; and ii) through the integration of climate change adaptation in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) topics. A further objective is to enhance the Covenant of Mayors through the implementation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). The project team will demonstrate their approach in cities in the Spanish Region of Murcia.

The project is directly linked to the European Green Deal and the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change; specifically Action 3 on promoting adaptation action by cities along the Covenant of Mayors initiative. The project focuses on urban adaptation and land use planning to limit the impacts of climate change, in line with the SECAPs of several municipalities.


Expected results: The signing of, at least, 15 collaboration agreements between local authorities and companies in the Murcia Region of Spain. This collaboration will involve an investment of EUR 200 000 by the private sector to co-finance 4 pilot actions on urban climate change adaptation and their participation in stakeholders groups for the monitoring of SECAPs.

The implementation of these pilot actions will have the following quantified results:

  • Creation of 0.6 km of a climate-resilient pedestrian and cycle paths to improve mobility between the urban and industrial areas in Alcantarilla;
  • Reforestation of around 34 000 m2 of urban parks in Molina de Segura and Reggio Emilia to reduce urban heat island (UHI) effects, and creation of 5 climate refuges for public recreation;
  • Improvement of water drainage by implementing Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in Molina de Segura and Alcantarilla;
  • Restoration of 57 376 m2 of urban hills in Lorqu to prevent landslides. This action will include 160 cave-houses;
  • Refurbishment of an educational greenhouse in Molina de Segura into a bioclimatic classroom (140 m2) to be used for awareness-raising activities on climate change;
  • Assessment of streets in Molina de Segura and definition of climate-resilient paths between the bioclimatic infrastructure and the refurbished urban park;
  • Planting of 1 724 trees in Reggio Emilia; and
  • A positive impact on 106 000 inhabitants around the intervention areas (93 362 m2).

    Regarding transfer and replication actions, the project will engage 12 more municipalities (9 in Spain, 3 in Italy) to work side by side to gain private support for financing urban adaptation actions and the opportunities offered by CSR in this sense.

    Finally, as a result of dissemination actions, local people will be aware of the project actions.


    Reference: LIFE19 CCA/ES/001209
    Acronym: LIFE CITYAdaP3
    Start Date: 01/09/2020
    End Date: 30/09/2024
    Total Eligible Budget: 2,087,890 €
    EU Contribution: 1,148,339 €


    Coordinating Beneficiary: Federacin de Municipios de la Regin de Murcia
    Legal Status: PAT
    Address: Plaza Mayor s/n, 30005, Murcia,
    Contact Person: Manuel Pato
    Email: Send Email
    Website: Visit Website

    LIFE Project Map



    • Public and Stakeholders participation
    • Resilient communities
    • Natural risks (Flood - Forest fire - Landslide)


    • environmental awareness
    • urban area
    • landslide
    • public-private partnership
    • local authority
    • risk management
    • climate action plan
    • climate adaptation strategy
    • climate resilience
    • Covenant of Mayors
    • nature-based solutions
    • urban heat island


    • COM(2013)216 - EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change (16.04.2013)


    Name Type
    RE(Comune di Reggio Emilia), Italy Participant
    MOL(Ayuntamiento de Molina de Segura), Spain Participant
    UMU(Universidad de Murcia), Spain Participant
    LOR(Ayuntamiento de Lorquí), Spain Participant
    ALC(Ayuntamiento de Alcantarilla), Spain Participant
    EV(EuroVértice Consultores, S.L.), Spain Participant