Rivers targeted by the project LIFE CONNECTS are currently classified as having an unfavourable ecological status with the potential for considerable ecological rehabilitation (according to the Water FrameworkDirective). The 13 Natura 2000 sites, spanning around 150km, are heavily affected by damming, dredging and channel-building activities previously carried out for forestry, agriculture and hydropower purposes.
The LIFE CONNECTS projects overall objective is to improve the conservation status of the target species and the ecological status along around 150km of seven target rivers. The specific objectives are to:
restore connectivity and habitats to regain migratory corridors, hydrological dynamics and habitat heterogeneity to benefit the main target species and general biodiversity, including other endangered species such as European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and European river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis); reintroduce or strengthen targeted mussel species in areas where the species have become extinct or have a low and declining population; and demonstrate synergies between blue growth, renewable energy and climate adaptation by quantifying ecosystem functions and services to an estimated 6 million per year with resulting benefits for the local and regional economy. The project will contribute to the implementation of the Habitats Directive, the Water Framework Directive, the Birds Directive, Flood Directive, European eel regulation and Biodiversity strategy 2020. It will help strengthen the Natura 2000 network. Its objectives are in line with the objectives of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) and the 1993 UN Convention on Biological Diversity.
Expected results:
13 dams removed and 10 fauna passages constructed to improve river connectivity; 40ha of lotic habitats established by removing four larger hydropower dams; habitat heterogeneity restored by adding more than 12 000 tonnes of substrate at over 200 strategic hotspots to optimise habitat conditions for target species; positive impacts on 530km of rivers and 25 000ha of marine habitats within two Natura 2000 sites five years following the end of the project; improved water quality and favourable water temperature; increased sand deposits on coasts which are subject to erosion; 80-100% passage success for Atlantic salmon and European eel at dam removal sites and fauna passages, with more than 13 000 European eel returned to the sea to complete their lifecycle; 20% increase in juvenile salmonids, and more than 24 000 salmon and 5 000 sea trout produced five years after restoration; recolonisation of Freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and Thick shelled river mussel (Unio crassus) by introducing 250 Freshwater pearl mussel adults, 900 Thick shelled river mussel, and over 6 000 Glochidia-infested host fish; more than 30 gigawatts of sustainable energy produced thanks to fauna passage installations; and 10 fish passages, 10 dam removals and two mussel introductions replicated across Europe during the project lifetime.