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Restoring the Baltic coastal habitat networks

Reference: LIFE17 NAT/FI/000544 | Acronym: CoastNet LIFE



The conservation status of a number of coastal and archipelagic habitats in Finland and Estonia requires improvement. Of those listed in the EU's Habitats Directive, 23 in Finland and seven in Estonia are classed as unfavourable-bad or unfavourable-inadequate.


CoastNet LIFE aims to improve the conservation status of Natura 2000 sites along the Baltic coastal zone. To achieve this, it plans to carry out restoration work on four types of habitat: boreal Baltic islets and small, open habitats; mosaics of herb-rich, broad-leaved forests and semi-natural habitats; sun-lit habitats; as well as large coastal meadows and new forests on previously uncolonised land.

The project's work should help increase the populations of numerous species by giving them new areas to colonise. It will also help to combat the effects of habitat fragmentation and isolation, as well as boosting the populations' resilience to climate change. Several species covered by the Birds Directive will benefit from improvements to their nesting habitats and those on their migration routes.

Expected results:

  • Establishment of nature conservation areas (covering 80 ha) in south-west Finland;
  • Acquisition of 30 ha of land for nature conservation in south-west Finland;
  • Restoration of 725 ha of semi-natural habitats, with almost 70 km of fences built;
  • Over 110 ha of islets and small, open areas in the outer archipelago restored;
  • Restoration of habitat (50 ha) for the Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo), whose population is expected to grow threefold;
  • More than 280 ha of forest habitats restored;
  • Restoration of 140 ha of sun-lit habitats;
  • Over 300 occurrences of rugosa rose (Rosa rugosa) and other invasive alien species combated (17 sites, over 140 ha);
  • Completion of lagoon restoration (over 70 ha);
  • More than 3 ha of wetland created;
  • Restoration of over 180 ha of river habitat, and breeding of 7 200 freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera); and
  • Completion of three permanent and one moveable nature trails, and construction of a bird watching tower (with 150 000 visitors to the sites).


    Reference: LIFE17 NAT/FI/000544
    Acronym: CoastNet LIFE
    Start Date: 01/08/2018
    End Date: 31/03/2025
    Total Eligible Budget: 8,681,176 €
    EU Contribution: 5,208,706 €


    Coordinating Beneficiary: Metshallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland
    Legal Status: PRIVATE
    Address: Opastinsilta 12 C , 00520, Helsinki,
    Contact Person: Kimmo Kurkko
    Email: Send Email

    LIFE Project Map



    • Coastal


    • tourist facility
    • coastal area
    • wetland
    • restoration measure


    • Directive 92/43 - Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora- Habitats Directive (21.05.1992)
    • Directive 79/409 - Conservation of wild birds (02.04.1979)
    • Regulation 1143/2014 - Prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (22.10.2014)


    • 1230 - Vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic and Baltic Coasts
    • 1610 - "Baltic esker islands with sandy, rocky and shingle beach vegetation and sublittoral vegetation"
    • 1620 - Boreal Baltic islets and small islands
    • 1630 - Boreal Baltic coastal meadows
    • 9020 - "Fennoscandian hemiboreal natural old broad-leaved deciduous forests (Quercus, Tilia, Acer, Fraxinus or Ulmus) rich in epiphytes"
    • 9050 - Fennoscandian herb-rich forests with Picea abies


    • Tringa totanus
    • Sylvia nisoria
    • Lanius collurio
    • Osmoderma eremita
    • Parnassius apollo
    • Parnassius mnemosyne


    • LANIIDAE Lanius collurio


    Code Name Type Version
    Tammisaaren ja Hangon saariston ja Pohjanpitäjänlahden merensuojelualue FI0100005 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Tulliniemen linnustonsuojelualue FI0100006 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Preiviikinlahti (SPA) FI0200151 SPA v.2021
    Saaristomeri FI0200164 SPA v.2021
    Raahen saaristo FI1104600 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Tapelsåsen-Lindöviken-Heimlax FI0100002 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Karkali, Suuriniemi ja Mailan alueet FI0100012 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Kalkkimäki ja Laukmäki FI0100014 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Meiko-Lappträsk FI0100021 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Lohjanjärven alueet FI0100036 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Lemmenlaakson lehto FI0100044 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Houtskärin lehdot FI0200046 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Iniön saaret FI0200047 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Lemulanrinne FI0200048 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Hulaholmi - Kluuvi FI0200053 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Ruissalon lehdot FI0200057 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Rauvolanlahti FI0200060 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Seilin saaristo FI0200064 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Pakinaisten saaristo FI0200065 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Untamala FI0200066 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Keistiön fladat FI0200071 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Uudenkaupungin saaristo FI0200072 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Rauman saaristo FI0200073 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Preiviikinlahti FI0200080 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Saaristomeri FI0200090 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Paraisten harjusaaret FI0200111 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Södra Stadsfjärden-Söderfjärden-Öjen FI0800057 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Lapuanjokisuisto-Bådaviken FI0800064 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Merenkurkun saaristo FI0800130 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Luodon saaristo FI0800132 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Uudenkaarlepyyn saaristo FI0800133 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Kristiinankaupungin saaristo FI0800134 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Närpiön saaristo FI0800135 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Perämeren saaret FI1300302 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Paljassaare EE0010170 SPA v.2021
    Kolga lahe EE0010171 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Lahemaa EE0010173 SPA and SCI/SAC v.2021
    Aegna saare EE0010188 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Katanpää FI0200172 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Uutiskuuva FI0200186 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Vuorelanmäki FI0200192 SCI/SAC v.2021
    Örö FI0200193 SCI/SAC v.2021


    Name Type
    Metshallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland Coordinator
    Environmental Department of Tallinn, Estonia Participant
    Environmental Department of Tallinn, Estonia Participant
    City of Raahe, Finland Participant
    Maailman Luonnon Säätiö - World Wide Fund For Nature, Suomen Rahasto sr., Finland Participant
    City of Turku, Finland Participant
    University of Turku, Finland Participant
    Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment for Southwest Finland, Finland Participant
    City of Rauma, Finland Participant