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Preventing a LIONfish invasion in the MEDiterranean through early response and targeted REmoval

Reference: LIFE16 NAT/CY/000832 | Acronym: RELIONMED-LIFE



The Mediterranean Sea is a ‘hot spot’ of marine alien invasive species. One recent invader, the lionfish (Pterois miles), of Indo-Pacific origin, can severely impact the ecosystem as it, firstly, predates on small native fish and invertebrate species and, secondly, as a result competes with native fish. In the western Atlantic, the lionfish has been recognised as one of the most ecologically harmful marine fish invaders to date. Evidence from the coasts of Cyprus indicates that the lionfish is about to invade the Mediterranean. The lionfish is increasingly abundant around Cyprus, especially at the eastern side of the island inside or near two Natura 2000 network sites. In 2016, up to 11 lionfish were reported in a single dive at Cavo Greco and juveniles were observed at Nisia. The invasive species is entering the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal and other specific pathways. Cyprus, located near the entry point, is the first EU state that will face the negative impacts of the lionfish invasion.


The RELIONMED-LIFE project aimed to make Cyprus the ‘first line of defence’ against the invasion of the lionfish in the Mediterranean. Its specific objectives were to:

  • Develop the necessary capacity and mechanisms in Cyprus so the country can act promptly and effectively against the lionfish invasion, and other invasive species from the Red Sea;
  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of a range of lionfish invasion prevention measures, such as the development and implementation of an early surveillance and detection system and a removal response system; and
  • Build capacity and knowledge which can be transferred and replicated by other countries of the Mediterranean, so they can prevent lionfish establishing in their waters.

Moreover, the project aimed to:

  • Assess the risks associated with the lionfish and inform stakeholders of these;
  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of ‘removal action teams’ in coordinated and opportunistic removals of lionfish around Cyprus;
  • Demonstrate coordinated removals in priority areas such as near/within the Natura 2000 sites, Cape Greko and Nisia, and nearby artificial reefs in marine protected areas (MPAs) where lionfish aggregate;
  • Explore potential small local market niches that would make future removals economically sustainable; and
  • Transfer cost-efficient practices, and train key stakeholders in neighboring countries.


The project’s objective was to try to establish a coordinated response to tackle the cross-border issue of invasive alien species. Cross-border responses were, at the time of the project, an EU policy priority, as reflected in Regulation No 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species. Moreover, the project aimed to contribute to the implementation of Target 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy and meet the protection levels set out in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.



The RELIONMED-LIFE project achieved the following results:

  • A 64% decrease was seen in lionfish numbers where removal actions were allowed;
  • A 400% increase in lionfish densities and biomass was seen in areas off Cyprus between 2018 and 2020;
  • 268 samples were collected for morphometric measurements and stomach content analysis; also DNA analysis to identify pathways of introduction and spread of the species in the Mediterranean;
  • 4 767 lionfish were removed from Cypriot waters (3 032 by removal action teams and 1 735 through removal derbies);
  • Eight tournaments and 122 removal action teams were organised throughout the project period;
  • 300 phone surveys and 108 questionnaires were conducted to assess the knowledge and perceptions of the public and stakeholders;
  • Over 500 stakeholders were interviewed from different sectors likely to be affected by the lionfish invasion (diving businesses, recreational fishers, restaurants, beach visitors, shop owners); 1 192 citizens were interviewed; 83% of professional fishers who observed a change in their landings due to the lionfish invasion in 2020 were interviewed; and
  • 100 sets of jewellery were made with lionfish fins.

Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Conservation Plan (see "Read more" section).


Reference: LIFE16 NAT/CY/000832
Start Date: 01/09/2017
End Date: 28/02/2022
Total Eligible Budget: 1,668,077 €
EU Contribution: 1,000,849 €


Coordinating Beneficiary: University of Cyprus
Legal Status: PAT
Address: Panepistimiou Avenue, 1, 1678, Nicosia,
Contact Person: Monica DEMETRIOU
Email: Send Email
Website: Visit Website

LIFE Project Map



  • Invasive species


  • marine ecosystem
  • risk assessment
  • preventive measure


  • Regulation 1143/2014 - Prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (22.10.2014)
  • COM(2011) 244 final “Our life insurance, our natural capital: an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020” (03.05.2011)


  • 0 - Non applicable (i.e.species project)


Code Name Type Version
KAVO GKREKO CY3000005 SCI/SAC v.2021


Name Type
University of Cyprus Coordinator
Department of Fisheries and Marine Research, Cyprus Participant
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom Participant
Marine & Environmental Research (MER) Lab Ltd, Cyprus Participant